Helpful Score: 15
Lauged so hard my husband could hear me from two rooms away. Of course there were also so many funny moments I had to read a great deal of them to my husband as well. Great reading!
Karen R. (karendawn) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 287 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 14
If I were to put a title on this book, it would be We Though You Would Be Funnier. Most of the time I found Notaro to be more annoying than funny. I also felt that there were some parts that may have been funny to her or to those who experienced them with her, but didn't transfer well to someone who was not actually a part of things. I did really like the chapter on her and her husband hiding their book purchases from each other and the one about eBay was mostly funny. Of course, those are the two things that I have some experiences of my own. So maybe my analysis of it being funny if you've been in that situation - or a similar one - really is true. At least it was for me.

Helpful Score: 10
Ms. Notaro is fun to read because she is openly mean and selfish, traits within all of us no matter how we try to disguise them. Reading her book is like watching a car wreck; it isn't GOOD, but you think, "Thank goodness that isn't me!" That being said, I didn't find the book to be interesting or memorable. Sure, I can identify with fat ankles and calves, and having too many books in the house (we fight over my books and his stereo equipment), and even finding a mouse (although ours was a cockroach), but just because I can identify with it doesn't make it funny. There are authors whom I don't identify with at all, like Augusten Burroughs and David Sedaris (I'm not male or gay, nor do I have a history of drug abuse or particularly crazy family dynamics) but I enjoyed their books, because they move beyond admitting their foibles, and actually embrace them and make them into satire. Ms. Notaro almost gets there, but not quite, leaving her stories pithy rather than endearing.
Kathleen A. reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 41 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 10
The most important thing I learned from this book was that when you order a book from the library it's important to remember the title of the book you requested. That way when they call and you go to pick up your book you won't be insulted when the librarian says to you.."we thought you would be prettier" he was afterall merely reading off the title of the book and not expressing his disappointment.
This was my favorite book of hers that I've read. It's just like you are sitting a room with your sarcastic friend and she's telling you hilarious self-deprecating stories! A fun read
This was my favorite book of hers that I've read. It's just like you are sitting a room with your sarcastic friend and she's telling you hilarious self-deprecating stories! A fun read

Helpful Score: 9
We Thought You'd Be Prettier is one of those books where after you've read it, you want to go buy everything the author ever published. Laugh out loud funny, Notaro pokes fun at herself and everyday circumstances we all find ourselves in at one point or another. I've recommended this book to everyone I know!!!
Barbara K. (wordybird) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 52 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 6
Laurie Notaro continues her her acerbic reflections on her life and the world in general. "But It Won't Fit Up My nose," the chapter on book addiction made me laugh aloud, if a bit guiltily. The book blurb claims that Notaro shows "her cranky side" in this book, and she had me nodding my head in agreement far too many times.
Helpful Score: 5
Humorous Memoir/Essays: Funniest books I've ever read. I laughed at loud until people thought I needed help. I'll be getting the next one as soon as it hits the shelves. This is the fourth in a continuing series, first is The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club, followed by I Love Everybody (and Other Atrocious Lies), then Autobiography of a Fat Bride (True Tales of a Pretend Adulthood).
Marillyn G. (blessedprincess) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 32 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
This is the second book of hers that I have read. I still believe that her book Idiot is better. But she is still the only writer to make me laugh out loud, literally.
Jennifer L. (jenluxy) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 20 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
An ok book... it reminds me of a blogger I read occasionally. Sometimes I think it's pretty funny, other times I'm really annoyed at the blogger and her nagging, whining etc. This book is similar. Sometimes she's pretty funny, other times she really annoying. Overall, not bad, but I don't know that I would read another one of her books.

Helpful Score: 3
Funny, funny, funny. Subjects like ankle fat have never made me laugh so hard!
Trisha S. reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 3 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
If you love sarcastic humor, Laurie Notaro is for you! She is hilarious - I can't put her stuff down!
Patricia W. reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 23 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
Short chapters about everyday life. Laugh out loud funny.
Christine S. (cdsav81300) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 6 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
A worthy quick summer read! This book was great! A funny narrative on everyday things. I book I myself wish I could write.

Helpful Score: 2
Great read if you are in the mood for humorous accountings of life events, witty repartee, and just a tad of "off-color" or "non-pc" attitude.
H B. (3boysmom) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 40 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
All I can say is that I have read ALL of Laurie Notaro's books and this is one is just as side-splitting as her others! I love her!
Helpful Score: 2
Though this isn't Laurie Notaro's funniest book, it is hysterically funny. There are plenty of laugh out-loud moments. Her wit is amazing. Notaro writes essays about herself, her family and the absurdities in her life that teach us to embrace the idiot girl in all of us. Anything about her mom, is fall-down funny.

Helpful Score: 1
Freaking awful. Notaro isn't funny in the slightest way. My Dad, one of my uncles, at least one, possibly two of my sisters AND myself and my five year old are far more funny that this tacky author.
Trying to hard is what ran through my mind for the entire time I was read this. That wasn't long of course because I was so disgusted I stopped around page 66. Ugh. I can't believe people find this woman funny.
Humor should be EFFORTLESS people - EFFORTLESS. If you have to TRY to achieve humor it DOESN'T WORK.
I will never, in my life, read anything else by this woman.
Trying to hard is what ran through my mind for the entire time I was read this. That wasn't long of course because I was so disgusted I stopped around page 66. Ugh. I can't believe people find this woman funny.
Humor should be EFFORTLESS people - EFFORTLESS. If you have to TRY to achieve humor it DOESN'T WORK.
I will never, in my life, read anything else by this woman.

Helpful Score: 1
I read the whole thing (more out of stubborness than enjoyment) and there were some genuine chuckles that came out, but I was pretty let-down by this one. It feels like Notaro is just trying too hard to be funny. We get it - you're the dorkiest girl alive. Pity and disgust aren't emotions that comedic books are supposed to evoke. If I wanted to spend two hours listening to a crazy fat girl b**ch about the things that drive her crazy, I could just hang out with my old room-mate. At least she would have bought me a martini for my time.
Kelly A. (peadomom42) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 37 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
This is Laurie's fourth book in a series of five. If you read this one & were confused, well no wonder! While I won't say this was her best (I personally liked book number three the best so far,) this did have some funny moments at the beginning. I found myself skipping through chapters near the end that seemed boring to me.
Susy F. reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 4 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Interesting book and very funny!

Helpful Score: 1
This was a very light and funny read!!
Andrea T. (ajane) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 49 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Another great book from Laurie Notaro. It was an intredibly fast read, as her books usually are. I was sad that it ended.
Michelle S. reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 4 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
What a great laugh out loud book!
Debbie T. reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 16 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
This book was really funny!

Helpful Score: 1
While not as funny as some of Notaro's earlier books, this one still had its laugh-out-loud moments. The story about frequenting the pet store just to look at the hair of one of the employees is priceless!
Chris S. (smallbutfeisty) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 36 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Funny short stories about the author's life. A more mature author than the one we met in The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club.
Victoria (YSB) - reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 636 more book reviews
This was along the same lines as her previous books - and it did have a few laugh-out-loud-funny parts. There weren't any essays in this collection that particularly stood out to me, unfortunately. I just didn't really like this one as much... There wasn't anything wrong with it, I just didn't find it as entertaining as the others. I just can't put my finger on what exactly it was lacking, but something was definitely missing...
Suzanne A. (suzieqzie) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 20 more book reviews
Very similar to her other books. More short stories from her life. Interesting, funny- another layer of her life told in a way that she still makes the reader laugh out loud.
Sonja M. (meri) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 39 more book reviews
This was the first time I have read something by this author. She is mildly funny. I didn't finish the book.
Judith K. reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 2 more book reviews
I found this book to be laugh-out-loud funny. She is a clever, witty writer that I could easily identify with.
Rebekah (dancing-angel) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 53 more book reviews
This is another great book by Laurie Notaro. There were a lot of parts that had me laughing out loud. I even read some of it to my husband. Overall a great book that anyone who's ever been called an "idiot" (among other names) for having some mindless moments here and there will be sure to love.
Hilary (technobookworm) - reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 114 more book reviews
Absolutely hilarious! I enjoyed this book very much. Several times I was laughing out loud, or trying NOT to laugh out loud when I was reading on lunch break! I also shared some of the humorous stories with my family, and they got a kick out of it too. I look forward to reading more from her!!

Another funny read from Ms. Notaro.
DEBBY A. (theraglady) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 3 more book reviews
If you dont laugh at least 5 times while reading this book. Their is seriously something wrong with you.

This book actually made me laugh out loud at parts!! Witty!
Devina D. (DevinaD) reviewed We Thought You Would Be Prettier : True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive on + 7 more book reviews
I Thought You Would be Funnier, Ms. Notaro.
This book just tries too hard with too little real substance. Not worth a penny.
This book just tries too hard with too little real substance. Not worth a penny.