Thirty Veils of Illusion Author:Suzan Caroll This book should really be entitled, My Thirty Veils of Illusion, as each person could find their own thirty illusions, or more. This book began as a meditation. At that time, I was a member of a group who channeled information from the Ascended Masters. These Masters struggled through many Earthly incarnations, just as we have, and are... more » now free of the cycle of birth and death.
The Masters offered to open an inner temple to aid humanity in freeing itself from the illusions of everyday life. I felt a special call to experience the privilege. Therefore, each night for thirty consecutive nights, I asked to be taken to this inner temple to have one veil removed. The following morning I sat down with pen and paper and asked for assistance in remembering the previous night's work.
Laying no claim to the knowledge of cosmic truth, I wish to present this book in the hope that others may establish a connection with the inner guidance and wisdom that is accessible to all of us if only we quiet ourselves and listen to the still, small voice within.« less