Here's the all new Kids' stuff collection you will soon treasure and use most every day. Quick as a flash these activities are ready to supplement your lessons.
Caught with an unplanned moment?
Five minutes at the end of class and nothing to do?
A rainy day and everyone is bored?
End of the school year and you need some fun?
It's all here instant activities for language, science, math social studies, arts, music, enrichment, and more. There's even a special teacher's toolbox section chock full of aids for the teacher including: letters and banners for bulletin boards and activity headings, information lists, awards and motivators, answer key, and index.
Be prepared with The Teachers' Treasury!
Caught with an unplanned moment?
Five minutes at the end of class and nothing to do?
A rainy day and everyone is bored?
End of the school year and you need some fun?
It's all here instant activities for language, science, math social studies, arts, music, enrichment, and more. There's even a special teacher's toolbox section chock full of aids for the teacher including: letters and banners for bulletin boards and activity headings, information lists, awards and motivators, answer key, and index.
Be prepared with The Teachers' Treasury!