While a fun book---don't know why they don't make movies about Tanner's adventures---you do have to leave plausibility behind in one of the last chapters. Which just reinforces the idea this would make a good movie.
Signet misclassifies the Tanner books as mysteries, hoping to take advantage of Block's unblemished reputation as an exceptional mystery writer. However, the Tanner books aren't mysteries. Rather, they are humorous spy/espionage/adventure novels set in the late 1960s. They are wonderful books, and I highly recommend this and the others in the series. But just don't expect a mystery, despite what the cover tells you.
This is a reprint of the 1994 book where Tanner meets up with the six year old future queen of Lithuania, Minna, along with 12 swinging gymnasts and a subversive Yugoslavian author. Lots of fun!