Absolutely a wonderful book. It is a strong strong book with a fantastic message and is a great read. Perfect for adult although is says young adult. The reviews hold this book up and it's not one to let pass you by if you think you may like to try reading it.

How much do you expect your child to do spiritually? For the benefit of others? Have you even given it any thought?
My kiddos' world consists of family, school, church, sports, and the things they find entertaining, like the grand ol' playstation. It doesn't extend much past that realm.
After reading a book I received from Thomas Nelson, my focus has changed. It is a book that I will be reading again; this time with my children. My children are 11 and 13. This is a book they need to read. They won't be bored with it either. Why? It involved a boy close to their ages, and basketball!
Yet, my intention is so much more than having them read about basketball. It's about what this boy in this book does with basketball. Do you think basketball is spiritual? Can it be? I would have never thought so, until I read this book.
When I started the book, I thought I was reading a book just for teens, but its contents can and will move adults and children alike to reach others in need. Following God's direction, the boy's efforts improved the lives of children all the way in Africa!
(I am a member of Thomas Nelson's Book Review Blogger program at http://brb.thomasnelson.com/.)
My kiddos' world consists of family, school, church, sports, and the things they find entertaining, like the grand ol' playstation. It doesn't extend much past that realm.
After reading a book I received from Thomas Nelson, my focus has changed. It is a book that I will be reading again; this time with my children. My children are 11 and 13. This is a book they need to read. They won't be bored with it either. Why? It involved a boy close to their ages, and basketball!
Yet, my intention is so much more than having them read about basketball. It's about what this boy in this book does with basketball. Do you think basketball is spiritual? Can it be? I would have never thought so, until I read this book.
When I started the book, I thought I was reading a book just for teens, but its contents can and will move adults and children alike to reach others in need. Following God's direction, the boy's efforts improved the lives of children all the way in Africa!
(I am a member of Thomas Nelson's Book Review Blogger program at http://brb.thomasnelson.com/.)