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Topic: Struggling/ CLOSED

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vickinb avatar
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Subject: Struggling/ CLOSED
Date Posted: 1/21/2014 12:13 PM ET
Member Since: 8/17/2007
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I am struggling to come up with a way of eating to manage to lose a lot of weight. I know low carb works but it's too restrictive for me. I also know counting calories work but that tends to be very time consumming. I can't afford to join Weight Watchers or some other program, but I need a plan that will be fairly simple to do, to lose about 75 lbs.

Any suggestions?


Last Edited on: 5/6/14 1:54 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 1/21/2014 4:27 PM ET
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This suggestion may sound like one of those "joke" diets to you, at first, but in our family it has been used successfully, although the weight to be lost was less than  your goal.

The 'dieter' eats breakfast like an emperor---as much as you have an appetite for, of whatever you enjoy at breakfast.  A splendid meal---

Come lunch time, the 'dieter' has a repast worthy of a lord ----some wholesome foods of the sort  usually served at midday.  A satisfactory meal---

And at suppertime,  the 'dieter' eats like a pauper----a cup of thin soup, perhaps, or a couple of crackers.   (Maybe a bit of gruel!)

It worked for my older daughter, although she had her doubts at the outset, because she claimed she didn't have any appetite in the early morning!  ( I suspect a lot of Americans, not just youngsters, pretty much skip breakfast.)

Last Edited on: 1/23/14 5:51 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
vampsteph avatar
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Date Posted: 1/23/2014 8:07 AM ET
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Counting calories really works!  If you get an App on your smartphone it makes the process quicker! Good luck!

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Date Posted: 1/24/2014 9:44 AM ET
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counting calories work but that tends to be very time consumming

Vicki, counting calories is only time consuming in the beginning.  After you learn the calories in the foods you eat, it will become much, much simpler, if not a no-brainer.  You'll be able to look at something and know the calorie count without even thinking about it.

I suggest starting a food journal.  It's invaluable, eye-opening, and simple.  Get a notebook, and for each day just write down what you eat--but have a space (make a column) to the right to track the calories.  Then, at the end of every day, simply add up the calories.  At first, eat as you normally do, but just write everything down.  After just a few days, you'll know alot of the calorie counts.  Plus, very soon, after just a few days, you will see patterns emerge. It will be quite obvious what foods you can cut down on, or cut out all together, in order to lower your calorie count.  You'll also have some ideas about what foods to swap in---which would be better, healthier choices.  It's very, very simple.

When you're ready, make choices to get to about 1700-2000 calories a day.  That may sound high, but they are probably lower goals than you are eating right now.  And they are do-able numbers.  To abruptly restrict yourself to the more popular 1200 calories per day most likely will not work.  You will be denying yourself too much, your "diet" will be work and torture, and you will most likely abandon it before too long.  1700-2000 is generous but also sensible.  It is a workable range that can easily turn into a lifestyle, rather than a diet.  Plus, there' are no fee to pay to start a food journal.  It's free!  Just start.  By springtime, I bet you'll be well on your way to your weight-loss goal.

Good luck, Vicki!!


vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 5/6/2014 1:53 PM ET
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Thank you for the advice.


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Date Posted: 7/27/2014 8:10 AM ET
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Vickie:  I do know that a food diary or journal helps.  It makes one aware of what one actually eats.  I find, too, that if I busy myself with the many projects I need to finish or plan to do my mind focuses less on food and more on doing.  Good luck lady!

Last Edited on: 7/27/14 8:10 AM ET - Total times edited: 1