One of the best books I've ever read. Wish I could go back and read it for the first time ever again. Amazing how much a person can endure in their simple life, yet rise up and affect so many people. Well written.

This is a very inspirational story about a music teacher who held very high standards for his students. With such a no-nonsense teacher instructing them, you can bet that those standards were met!
The story is told through the voices of Mr. Ks daughter and her friend, both students of Mr. Ks. They tell their stories so well that you almost feel like you are in the room with them listening to them tell you their accounts first hand. But this is not only the story of the girls and how Mr. K pushed them to be the best they could be. Its Mr. Ks life story as well puzzle pieces that provide a glimpse into why he did the things that he did. This is not just a book about music, its about setting goals and meeting them, seizing opportunities instead of taking them for granted, facing what comes your way with courage and dignity, and being a good friend.
My favorite Mr. K quote: "Circumstances have forced me to learn self-mastery."
The story is told through the voices of Mr. Ks daughter and her friend, both students of Mr. Ks. They tell their stories so well that you almost feel like you are in the room with them listening to them tell you their accounts first hand. But this is not only the story of the girls and how Mr. K pushed them to be the best they could be. Its Mr. Ks life story as well puzzle pieces that provide a glimpse into why he did the things that he did. This is not just a book about music, its about setting goals and meeting them, seizing opportunities instead of taking them for granted, facing what comes your way with courage and dignity, and being a good friend.
My favorite Mr. K quote: "Circumstances have forced me to learn self-mastery."

This book was so amazing. The opening catches your attention, yet when it goes into the authors childhood experiences it it just as riveting. I was absolutely hooked on the story beginning to end. A real heart toucher.