The story of Toby Temple, super star & super bastard, adored by his vast TV & movie public yet isolated from real, human contact by his own suspicion & distrust.
I enjoyed this book. A little Hollywood for what I normally read. It took awhile for the story to get going but overall a good book.
Sidney Sheldon is a master! A male superstar and a woman who wants to be cross paths.
The kind of book that keeps readers turning pages.
The typical rags to riches plot. I did not enjoy reading this book, but it did have some moments. How vindictive and self-destroying one becomes with fame and glory.
Santa delayed. The problem is his pants; the cleaner has mistakenly sent them to N.Y.C. plutocrat Rich Rump, and the arrogant Rump won't even listen to Santa's urgent tale of woe. Neither will anyone else; unrecognized, he's arrested for loitering and sentenced to six months--during which Christmas doesn't happen and the economy languishes. By the time Santa emerges, Rump is trying to peddle the pants on a street corner and has mellowed enough to present them to Santa as a gift (``They're so you''). And Christmas finally comes!