Donna C. (g-ma) reviewed Still Foolin' 'Em: Where I've Been, Where I'm Going, and Where the Hell Are My Keys? on + 3174 more book reviews
I didn't care for this at all! Just in the first few pages he is using the f word too much and then starts to referring to bodily functions, sexual functions, etc. and I didn't find it cute or funny but mostly disgusting to think I wanted to read a good book about him but this is not it, I managed to get through the early pages but then it just got boring as it seemed to just be a detailed account of his life: I couldn't sleep, I got up, I had coffee, I peed, I did this I did that, and on and on, I didn't even find anything about how he got started in his career very interesting and he name dropped a lot which would be expected but sometimes it's just too much.