This is similar to other books on this topic which I have read and a lot of the ideas are the same. I have heard of "spirit guides" before, your angels and protectors who help you here on Earth. It is a great comfort to know you are never alone.
I lost my grandmother a few years ago and we were really close. She had told others "Jamie and I have a special bond", I remember doing everything I could to take care of her at grandpa's funeral when I was 10 and she told me she never forgot. I had to stop reading a section one morning about loosing a grandmother because I was getting ready for work and could not stop crying. This book can really hit home.
I have a decoration for my rearview mirror made with her funeral flowers with a charm which says "When a cardinal appears, your angel is near". Thank you for mentioning birds being a sign from above. I find it comforting knowing she still watches over me.
I also lost an ex boyfriend to suicide almost 10 years ago. I remember having a bad day at work, my stress level was through the roof, and our high school prom song came on over the radio and stopped me in my tracks. It was like he was saying "Calm down, I am here". I also had a dream shortly after he passed about what it would have been like if we had stayed together. All of these things are mentioned in great detail in this book.
I still think about my grandmother every day and not long ago, got the feeling she wasn't staying as close anymore. I don't know why, but this upset me a great deal. This book answered the question why and gave me the reassurance I needed to know she is ALWAYS with me, even though I don't always feel it.
What makes this book different? It gives you exercises you can do if you feel like you need to talk to your loved ones on the other side. This is a good reference guide I will keep for when I need it again.
I lost my grandmother a few years ago and we were really close. She had told others "Jamie and I have a special bond", I remember doing everything I could to take care of her at grandpa's funeral when I was 10 and she told me she never forgot. I had to stop reading a section one morning about loosing a grandmother because I was getting ready for work and could not stop crying. This book can really hit home.
I have a decoration for my rearview mirror made with her funeral flowers with a charm which says "When a cardinal appears, your angel is near". Thank you for mentioning birds being a sign from above. I find it comforting knowing she still watches over me.
I also lost an ex boyfriend to suicide almost 10 years ago. I remember having a bad day at work, my stress level was through the roof, and our high school prom song came on over the radio and stopped me in my tracks. It was like he was saying "Calm down, I am here". I also had a dream shortly after he passed about what it would have been like if we had stayed together. All of these things are mentioned in great detail in this book.
I still think about my grandmother every day and not long ago, got the feeling she wasn't staying as close anymore. I don't know why, but this upset me a great deal. This book answered the question why and gave me the reassurance I needed to know she is ALWAYS with me, even though I don't always feel it.
What makes this book different? It gives you exercises you can do if you feel like you need to talk to your loved ones on the other side. This is a good reference guide I will keep for when I need it again.