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Startup Communities: Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your City
Startup Communities Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your City Author:Brad Feld An essential how-to guide to building supportive entrepreneurial communities "Startup communities" are popping up everywhere. In cities like Montreal, Boston, New York, Chicago, Boulder, and even countries as varied as Wales and Iceland, co-working ecosystems are driving innovation and small business energy. Startup Communities documents the buz... more »z, strategy, long-term perspective, and dynamics of building communities of entrepreneurs who can feed off of each other's talent, creativity, and support. If you think Silicon Valley is the only place to start your latest venture, this book is a smart wake-up call. These days, great business ideas can come from anywhere. * Perfect for entrepreneurs and venture capitalists seeking fresh ideas and new opportunities* Author Brad Feld has been an early-stage investor and successful entrepreneur for more than twenty years and has founded or served on the board of dozens of companies« less