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Topic: St Patrick's Day Recipes

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pickles8 avatar
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Subject: St Patrick's Day Recipes
Date Posted: 3/5/2021 6:32 PM ET
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A recipe from Duncan Hines Canada website.

I made this unusual, green marble cake for St Patrick's day until my daughter showed a nut allergy. The bolded directions are my alterations to the recipe.

Pistachio Marble Cake


  • 1 box Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe white cake mix (Extra Moist)
  • 100 g package (3 ounce package) pistachio pudding mix
  • 4 eggs (I used 3 eggs)
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 3/4 cup canned chocolate syrup (I used 1/2 cup)
  • My recipe added 1 teaspoon almond extract


  1. Butter and flour 10-inch bundt pan.
  2. Preheat oven to 350F.
  3. In large mixing bowl combine Duncan Hines cake mix, pudding mix, eggs, orange juice, water and oil.
  4. Blend with electric mixer on high for 4 minutes.
  5. Pour 2/3 of batter into bundt pan.
  6. Add chocolate syrup to the remaining batter and mix well.
  7. Pour into pan and then drag a knife through the middle to marble it.
  8. Bake 1 hour. to 1 hr -15minutes
  9. Cool in bundt pan for 15 minutes before removing.
  10. Top it with your favorite...I used drizzled chocolate syrup and slivered almonds


Last Edited on: 3/5/21 6:38 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
pickles8 avatar
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Date Posted: 3/5/2021 6:54 PM ET
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From the website : wishesanddishes(dot)com

"Leprechaun Bait" - by Ashley

Makes 20 servings

7 cups Rice Chex Mix

1 cup Lucky Charms cereal

1 cup pretzels

1   11.4 oz bag dark chocolate mint M&Ms

1    11 oz bag white chocolate chips or white melting candy discs


1. In large bowl, mix Chex, Lucky Charms, pretzels and mint M&Ms

2. In heat safe bowl, melt chocolate chips or melting discs in microwave at 50% power for 30 seconds. Stir and repeat until melted.

3. Pour melted mixture over the Chex/cereal mixture. Stir carefully until coated.

4. Pour mixture on wax paper or foil  and spread in thin layer until chocolate dries and sets.

5. After 45 minutes, break into bite size pieces and store in air-tight container




Last Edited on: 3/8/21 8:57 AM ET - Total times edited: 5
pickles8 avatar
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Date Posted: 3/5/2021 6:59 PM ET
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Here is a recipe for Irish Soda Bread, but it is more like a tea loaf. My father liked it very much, and his parents came from Dublin.

If I can find the book I copied it from, many years ago, I will include the name and author;

ETA--I've tried finding this recipe online, with little success. Along the way, I've found recipes like this are called "Spotted Dog" cake or Americanized soda bread because of the addition of fruit--raisins and currants.

Irish Soda Bread

4 cups unbleached flour

2 tablespoons baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon caraway seeds

3 tablespoons butter

3 tablespoons honey

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1-3/4 cups buttermilk

1/2 cup currants

Sift together dry ingredients in large bowl. Stir in seeds.

Melt together butter and honey in small saucepan or microwave on low power. Blend wet and dry ingredients, stirring in currants. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth. Divide dough in half and shape into 2 round loaves.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Pat each round with flour and score an X on top of each loaf. Place loaves on ungreased cookie sheet or sheet covered with parchment paper and bake 40 minutes until bread sounds hollow when tapped. Cool wrapped in tea towel to keep top crust soft. Wrap in plastic.

Irish Coffee

From "Found a Flying Boat and Maritime Museum"

1. Preheat an Irish coffee glass by filling it with boiling water for 10 seconds.

2. Add 1 teaspoon of brown sugar and a good measure of Irish whiskey into warmed glass.

3.Fill the glass to within one half inch of the brim with hit and strong black coffee. Stir well so all the brown sugarcdissolves.

4. Carefully pour lightly whipped cream over the back of a spoon positioned over the coffee in the glass.

5. Do not stir after adding the cream. The Irish coffee will be most flavorful if you drink the coffee through the cream.


Last Edited on: 3/22/21 3:13 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
pickles8 avatar
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Date Posted: 3/6/2021 3:58 AM ET
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How to Make Corned Beef in the Oven

lindsay-mattison.jpg?fit=50,50Lindsay D. MattisonUpdated: Jan. 11, 2021

Step 1: Blanch

Before you bake the corned beef, we recommend blanching it briefly in boiling water. Corned beef is cured in salt, and simmering it will help draw out some of that salty flavor. Start by rinsing the excess salt from the corned beef and placing it in a large pot. Add enough water to cover the meat and bring it to a boil over high heat. When the water starts to bubble vigorously, discard the water and pat the corned beef dry.

Step 2: Bake

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 350°F. Place the corned beef fat-side up in a roasting pan with a rack or use an oven-safe rack set inside a rimmed baking sheet. If you don’t have either, set the corned beef on top of a bed of chopped onions so it’s elevated from the pan. Feel free to rub the top of the corned beef with Dijon mustard and seasonings, or you can keep things simple and roast it as-is.

Add 1/2-inch water to the roasting pan and tightly wrap the pan with aluminum foil. Bake 2 to 3 hours (depending on the size of the brisket), until the meat reaches an internal temperature of 195°. Check the pan occasionally to ensure it still contains water.

Step 3: Add vegetables (optional)

To make an easy side dish, add potatoes, carrots and onions to the pan for the last hour, placing them below the rack with the corned beef. To complete the meal, serve the meat and vegetables with a side of fried cabbage.

Step 4: Broil (optional)

To create a crispy crust on the top of the brisket, remove the aluminum foil after the brisket reaches the desired temperature. Set the broiler on high and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, until the top is golden brown and crispy.

How Long Do You Bake Corned Beef Per Pound?

As a general rule of thumb, corned beef takes about an hour per pound to bake. The best way to know for sure when your corned beef is finished is to use an instant-read meat thermometer. Probe the corned beef in the thickest part of the meat, and the alarm will go off when it’s finished.

We like 195° for a super-tender, flaky corned beef, but you can pull the meat when it reaches 180° if you prefer firm (but still tender) slices. Either way, let it rest for at least 30 minutes before slicing it against the grain and serving.

Should You Boil or Bake Corned Beef?

Really, it’s up to you. Both methods create a juicy, tender corned beef when done properly. Traditional corned beef recipes call for simmering corned beef in spiced water for about three hours. We like this method because the water creates a moisture barrier that keeps the beef from drying out, but it’s also easy to accidentally boil too vigorously, creating tough pockets in the meat.


March 17, 2025 - Our kids gave us an Instapot and we used a recipe from "Pressure Luck Cooking" by Jeffrey Eisner. He has social media videos, cookbooks, and a website. The corned beef was very tender cooking in the Instapot and fairly easy with one pot to clean.

He uses the trivet in the Instapot, cutting a large Spanish onion in quarters and placing on the trivet, then he dots the onion quarters with minced garlic. He then rinses a 2-4 lb corned beef under cold water, reserving the seasoning packet. After placing the corned beef, fat side up, in the Instapot on the onions and the trivet, he sprinkles the seasoning packet onto the fatty side. Then he poured 1-1/2 cups of liquid down the sides of the pot-he used Guinness mixed with beef broth, and set the Instapot settings to high for 70-80 minutes, followed by 20 minutes natural venting. After removing the cooked onions and the cooked corned beef onto a serving dish,wiping the pickling seasons off and slicing across the grain, he spoons pot juices on the slices to kept moist, then wrap the dish tightly to keep slices from drying out. Refrigerate plate of corned beef while cooking vegetable. Ladle 2 cups of au jus drippings into a measuring cup. Refrigerate measuring cup for "gravy" or stock base.  Into the liquid remaining in the Instapot, he places 2 cubed potatoes, almost an entire bag of baby carrots, and a small cabbage cut in quarters. He set the controls to 3 minutes, but I used 5 to pressure cook the vegetables. Remove vegetables to separate container and serve.


Last Edited on: 3/18/25 7:23 AM ET - Total times edited: 4
pickles8 avatar
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Date Posted: 3/6/2021 4:36 AM ET
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I didn't eat corned beef until I was 40 years old, so my mother made canned tuna or salmon croquettes for me.

The recipe also works if St Patrick's falls on a Friday during Lent.

(adapted from:


Baked Tuna Croquettes

1 (7-ounce) pouch tuna, drained 

2 green onions, chopped fine

1 teaspoon dijon mustard

1 large egg, beaten

1 teaspoon lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

3/4 cups seasoned panko, divided into 1/4 cup and 1/2 cup

  1. Place the tuna, onions, mustard, eggs, lemon juice, salt, pepper and 1/4 cup of the bread crumbs into a medium mixing bowl and stir to combine. Divide the mixture into 6 patties and set aside on a parchment lined baking sheet. Allow to rest for 15 minutes. Place the remaining bread crumbs into a plate. One at a time, coat each patty in the panko on all sides.
  2.  Bake them in the oven on a greased cookie sheet at 350 for 15 minutes then on broil (Low) for 3 minutes.  


Last Edited on: 3/8/21 10:16 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
pickles8 avatar
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Date Posted: 3/6/2021 6:25 PM ET
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An alternate of tuna and mashed potato patties

Ingredients (check list):

  • 1.5 cups Mashed Potato, or 16oz/450g potatoes to make mash (see notes)
  • 2x 6.5oz/185g cans of Tuna, drained (preferably spring water, not oil)
  • 1 cup / 60g Panko Breadcrumbs (see notes)
  • 1 large Egg, beaten
  • 2-3 heaped tbsp Flour
  • 2 Spring/Green Onions, finely diced
  • 1 tbsp Butter
  • 2 tsp Mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp finely diced Fresh Parsley
  • 1 tsp Dijon Mustard
  • zest of 1/2 Lemon
  • 1/4 tsp Garlic Powder
  • Salt & Black Pepper, to taste
  • Vegetable Oil, as needed (frying)
  • Oil Spray, as needed (baking)


If Making Mashed Potato

  • Peel and dice 16oz/450g white potatoes and place in a pot of enough cold water to comfortably cover them. Add a hefty pinch of salt and bring to a boil until they are just about tender enough to slice. It's crucial you don't over boil the potatoes or they'll soak up too much water and the patties will be too sloppy to mould.
  • Drain in a colander and allow to steam completely dry. This is crucial to allow as much moisture to leave the potatoes as possible. If you have time cool them completely in the fridge, do that as well, but the main thing is allowing all the steam to escape. Mash until lump free.


  • Combine your cold mash with butter, mustard and mayo. Add in tuna, spring onions, parsley, lemon zest, garlic powder and seasoning to taste. If you're using leftover mashed potato which was made with butter you won't need to add more. Also just take into consideration how much it was already seasoned.
  • Mould into equal burger-shapes, you should get 6-8 depending on size. I find scooping with a 1/3 measuring cup gives 6 equal patties. I highly recommend popping them in the freezer at this point for 10-15mins to firm up before dredging. Or at least while you set up your bowls.


  • Set up your stations: 1 bowl with flour and a pinch of salt and pepper, then 1 with your beaten egg and lastly breadcrumbs with a pinch of salt and pepper.
  • One by one, delicately (but still thoroughly) coat the patties in flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs. Again, if they feel at all flimsy at this point pop them in the freezer to firm up.

Frying (option 1)

  • Pour enough veg oil in a pan to comfortably cover the entire surface. Bring to a medium-high heat and when it sizzles when a crumb is dropped in, carefully place in 3 patties at a time. Allow to fry for 3-4mins (or until golden underneath) then flip and fry until golden on the other side. It's important that the oil is hot enough to 'sizzle' when the patties hit the pan. If it's too low, the patties will merely soak up the oil, become soggy and fall apart.

Baking (option 2)

  • Place on a greased tray and liberally spray with oil. Bake at 390F/200C for 20-25mins, flipping once, or until golden and crispy all around (timings will vary depending on size of patties).
  • See recipe notes for make ahead and freezing options.


a) Mashed Potato - I recommend making this in advance and storing in the fridge. Mainly so you don't have to wait for the potatoes to steam dry, but also so the potato is cold, which in turn helps the patties stay together. 16oz/450g potatoes is around 3 medium sized potatoes (before peeled) and will make 1.5 cups of mashed potato.
b) Breadcrumbs - Panko Breadcrumbs are awesome because they're very large and quite light, meaning they turn extra crispy. You will find them in almost all supermarkets/grocery stores in the Asian section. If you don't have them you can sub regular dry breadcrumbs, where 1 cup is around 140g.
c) Make Ahead Options:
i) Part Make Ahead - You can make up until forming the patties and cover in the fridge until ready to dredge. Or you could fully coat in breadcrumbs and store in the fridge and proceed with recipe when needed. You could also fully coat in breadcrumbs and freeze them. From there I recommend baking from frozen (add another 10-15mins on). Or thaw in the fridge overnight and fry as recipe states.
ii) Fully Make Ahead - You can cook the patties then allow to completely cool, cover and store in the fridge for 2-3days and reheat in the oven at 180C/356F for around 10-15mins until crispy again. Or, store in the freezer for up to a month and reheat from frozen in the oven at 180C/356F for around 20-25mins or until crispy on the outside and hot through the centre.
In all cases above they won't be quite as crispy as if they were cooked and eaten fresh, but still taste great!
d) How to reduce mess when dredging patties - Coating anything in a flour, egg, breadcrumb batter opens the possibility of mess. My advice is to have a 'dry' hand and a 'wet' hand. Use one hand to coat the dry ingredients and the other to coat the wet. Simples. I also have a bowl of warm water next to me to dip my fingers in if things get too sticky.

Last Edited on: 3/7/21 11:10 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
pickles8 avatar
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Date Posted: 3/8/2021 8:54 AM ET
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Too late for Super Bowl, too early for Cinco de Mayo....Avocado toast can be wearin' the Green for St Patrick's Day.

My husband's recipe


2 avocados

2 teaspoons lime juice

1/2 tsp salt

2 scallions, chopped

1/2 fresh tomato, peeled and chopped

2 garlic cloves, chopped fine

2 Tablespoons green chille or pickled Jalapeno

1-1/2 Tablespoons cilantro, chopped

Cut avocados in half, scoop flesh from shells, mash in medium size bowl. Add lime juice, salt and other ingredients. Mix well. Chill. 

(Hint:Sprinkle with additional lime juice to keep guacamole from turning brown.)

Serve with tortilla chips or make avocado toast


Added in 2022---Another Side Dish from "The Wimpy Vegetarian"

Garlicky Roasted Cabbage Steaks

Easy roasted cabbage basted with garlic paste and either fennel or caraway seeds for a super-easy side dish. Only 10 - 15 minutes of prep, and only 4 ingredients (+ salt and pepper).

Prep Time15 mins

Cook Time40 mins

Total Time55 mins

Course: Vegetable Side

Cuisine: American

Keyword: roasted cabbage

Servings: 4 servings

 Calories: 112kcal

 Author: The Wimpy Vegetarian



  • 1 head cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon garlic paste
  • 2 teaspoons fennel seeds, or caraway seeds
  • 1 teaspoons kosher salt, to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon black ground pepper, to taste
  • Parsley, for optional garnish



  • Preheat oven to 400ËF and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

  • Slice the cabbage head into 1" slices and arrange on the prepared baking sheet. Brush with half of the oil, garlic paste, fennel, salt, and pepper. Carefully flip and apply the remaining oil, garlic, and spices.

  • Roast for 20 minutes, and flip back over. Roast for another 20 minutes, or until crispy around the edges.

  • Serve warm, and garnished with coarsely chopped parsley.

  • As a note, these 'steaks' aren't quite as good warmed up, as they lose their crispiness, but leftovers are great sliced and added to casseroles.


Calories were calculated using the VeryWell Fit nutrition calculator, and assumed 4 servings.Adapted from Martha Stewart's Roasted Cabbage Wedges.


Calories: 112kcal


Last Edited on: 3/2/22 5:46 AM ET - Total times edited: 5
pickles8 avatar
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Date Posted: 3/8/2021 9:45 AM ET
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Reese Witherspoon's Green  Breakfast Smoothie

by: Amanda Tarlton--updated Dec 22, 2020


Prepping the ingredients

The most time-consuming part of this whole recipe is simply preparing all of the ingredients. You have to chop the lettuce, core the apple and pear, peel the banana, and cut the rind off the lemon (leave the seeds and all the pulp though!). Of course, I also thoroughly washed all my produce beforehand and made sure to choose fruit that was already very ripe so it would blend easily.

Making the smoothie

Once everything was washed, chopped and peeled, I piled it all into the blender, starting with the solid food and then pouring in the coconut water on top. I blended it up for about 3 minutes to make sure there were no unwelcome chunks. Reese also noted that sometimes you have to push the veggies on top down while you blend so they don’t get left behind (I only had to do this once).

FYI: This is our Test Kitchen’s recommended blender for making smoothies.

Here’s what I thought

As someone who really doesn’t drink smoothies very often, I was skeptical that Reese’s drink would both taste good and keep me full. The former was surprisingly true—you don’t taste the spinach or lettuce at all and instead get the fresh, fruity flavor of the apple, pear, banana and lemon. I had no problem drinking the whole thing because it was very delicious.

However, while Reese said she doesn’t get hungry after the smoothie for hours, I found myself starving less than an hour later. Next time, I would add protein powder or nut butter (both of which Reese says she sometimes uses) for more staying power. You can also add these other ingredients for a high-protein smoothie.

The other great thing is that her recipe makes enough for two smoothies. You have two “breakfasts” in one—pour the leftovers into a tumbler and store in the fridge.


****On her Instagram video, Reese Witherspoon credits Kerry Washington with the original recipe.*****


Last Edited on: 3/8/21 9:50 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
pickles8 avatar
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Date Posted: 3/8/2021 10:30 AM ET
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Irish stew

Adapted from Colman Andrews' "The Country Cooking of Ireland." "You want it fairly thick," he says. "Some people say you should be able to stand a spoon up in it." And: "Keep it simple. Improvisation is fine, and the world won't end if you add carrots or fresh thyme or whatever. But don't throw too many different things into the pot."

Trim and cube 3 pounds mutton or lamb, from the neck or shoulder. Layer into a heavy casserole with 2 pounds russet potatoes, thickly sliced, 1/2 bunch parsley, finely chopped, and 1 pound onions, thinly sliced. Season generously with salt and pepper. Add 2 cups water. Heat to a simmer over low heat (do not boil). Cover; put in a 250-degree oven, 2 1/2-3 hours. Add water if needed. Makes: 6 servings

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Date Posted: 3/16/2021 6:55 PM ET
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From Yvette(melange)

Comforting Colcannon 



  • 1kg Golden Delight potatoes, peeled, coarsely chopped
  • 80ml (1/3 cup) milk
  • 60ml (1/4 cup) heavy cream
  • 20g butter
  • 20g butter
  • 3 cups savoy cabbage, finely shredded
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
  • Salt and white pepper, to season


  1. Boil the potatoes: Cook potatoes in a large saucepan of salted boiling water for 20 minutes or until tender. Drain. Return to pan. Add milk, cream and butter. Mash until smooth.

  2. Step 2

    Cook the cabbage: Meanwhile, melt butter in a saucepan. Add cabbage. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until tender. Add to potato mixture. Stir in chives. Season with salt and white pepper.

  3. Step 3

    Serve the colcannon: Colcannon tastes great with pies, grilled lamb or pork chops, or slow-cooked casseroles.