This was another one of my favorite Star Wars novels when I was a young, wide-eyed kid. Frist, the book was written by Alan Dean Foster (an extremely talented sci-fi author today), who also ghost-wrote the novelization of Episode IV. The book also introduces the Yuzzem, a creature not seen for the first time until the Special Edition of Return of the Jedi (in Jabba's palace as part of the musical number). Another interesting piece of trivia is that the Kaiburr Crystal, which serves to enhance the possessor's powers over the Force, was introduced into early drafts of Lucas' script for Episode IV but later dropped in favor of the Force being the key to the power of the Jedi Knights. This story is filled with action, a character named Hallah that serves as a sort of female version of Ben Kenobi, and an awesome villain you'll love to hate. A great book!