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Soul To Soul: Poems, Prayers and Stories To End A Yoga Class
Soul To Soul Poems Prayers and Stories To End A Yoga Class Soul to Soul: Poems, Prayers And Stories To End A Yoga Class is a beautiful collection of inspiring selections that will add zest, depth, humor and tears to your yoga class. Enjoy quotes from the Dalai Llama, Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hanh, Shakti Gawain, Swami Kripalu, Mother Teresa, David Frawley and others. Honoring many cultures, spiritual ... more »traditions and spiritual masters, it's the perfect gift for yoga teachers and practitioners, or it can be read by anyone seeking an uplifting, often tender message. "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten we belong to each other." Mother Teresa. The 150 selections are a wonderful way to send your yoga students home rested and peaceful. "The closing of a yoga class is a sacred moment. It can dissolve in an instant, if the mind darts to the busy-ness of the day ahead, the snarled traffic or the many inconveniences of modern life. If captured and held close in our heart, that moment in time can sustain us through these very annoyances that disturb our peace and disrupt our ability to stay connected to the Source." - Yogi Amrit Desai« less