Plot Summary: "Take one irrepressible mystery writer named Gypsy, add a slightly smashed VW called Daisy, a piratical cat named Corsair, toss themn into the path of a cool architect with a glint in his eyes -- and stir up more romantic excitement than one sleepy seaside town had ever seen!
"Like her name, Gypsy had always preferred to roam the world at will, writing her books and loving the heroes that filled her dreams. But then Chase Mitcell slipped inside her heart to fulfill her whispered fantasies. Gypsy and Chase resisted the happy ending the dream demanded -- until a wily feline matchmaker found the keys to their love..."
I've been reading Kay Hooper's older works over the past several weeks. Some seem really dated in that intense brooding hero 80's sort of way. Others are charming reads with whimsical plots and intriguing, appealing characters. "Something Different" is one of the latter.
Gypsy and Chase are fun, attractive characters. The development of their romance is entertaining and amusing, and the ostensible "conflict" in their relationship isn't all that much of a blockage. This book is a merry, light little read which doesn't seem dated at all.
"Like her name, Gypsy had always preferred to roam the world at will, writing her books and loving the heroes that filled her dreams. But then Chase Mitcell slipped inside her heart to fulfill her whispered fantasies. Gypsy and Chase resisted the happy ending the dream demanded -- until a wily feline matchmaker found the keys to their love..."
I've been reading Kay Hooper's older works over the past several weeks. Some seem really dated in that intense brooding hero 80's sort of way. Others are charming reads with whimsical plots and intriguing, appealing characters. "Something Different" is one of the latter.
Gypsy and Chase are fun, attractive characters. The development of their romance is entertaining and amusing, and the ostensible "conflict" in their relationship isn't all that much of a blockage. This book is a merry, light little read which doesn't seem dated at all.