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Topic: Small Kindle Paperwhite

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classicana avatar
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Subject: Small Kindle Paperwhite
Date Posted: 12/1/2017 6:09 PM ET
Member Since: 2/12/2006
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I've had a 7" Fire and a Nook Glowlight for some time, but a few months ago, I ran across a deal for a small Kindle Paperwhite for 'cheap'.  I really like it as it's narrower than my Nook Glow, so it slips easily into jacket pocket or purse.  BUT it's 'bare' -- I'm not used to a reader with the power switch located on the bottom and that's only feature I don't care for.  Every time I set it in a stand or lean it against something to read hands-free, it bumps the off switch.   Even when I'm careful placing it, if I'm Not really careful turning a page, it will rock a tiny bit and off it goes! ...Frustrating...

So, I guess I need a case of some sort, but I only need it to protect the power switch..  I want something that doesn't add bulk AND  is smooth so it will still slide easily into/out of pockets.  Any suggestions??

Over-all size is 6 5/8" X 4 1/2"  -- screen size is (diagonal) 6"

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 12/1/2017 11:10 PM ET
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I bought one off of ebay.  Heck, I buy all of my ereader cases from ebay.  The super cheap ones come from China and can take a couple of weeks but you can narrow the search down to US sellers only.  You'll find the same things, generally for only a few dollars more.

This is the one that I bought.  It is super slim and the front cover bends several ways to support the ereader.  I usually read on my lunch break and prop the ereader up against my lunchbag at a slight angle so I've never bumped the power button accidentally.

It is a sleep cover so when you close it the reader goes to sleep and when you open it, the reader wakes up.  The front cover stays in place too, it magnets to itself so it doesn't accidentally fall open in a bag or something.  I have another reader with a sleep cover that doesn't do that and it's always coming open and the reader turns on and runs down the battery.  This paperwhite cover doesn't do that at all.

read4thesoul avatar
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Date Posted: 12/2/2017 9:51 AM ET
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Anna, if the Paperwhite has auto-rotate, maybe use it "upside down" until you can get a case?

classicana avatar
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Date Posted: 12/3/2017 7:26 PM ET
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Unfortunately, this is the 'basic' model and doesn't switch to landscape.  Neither does my Nook, but the off-switch is on the back and not sensitive to touch...  My very first ereader (a Libre - no wifi) does change to landscape so I'm familiar with using them that way.  I wish this one did...

Sarah, that looks like it might be just what I need - and wow, the price is right!  I appreciate your warning about some of the 'sleep/awake' ones coming open and turning on.  I wouldn't have thought of that.

Thank you both for your help.

read4thesoul avatar
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Date Posted: 12/4/2017 12:19 AM ET
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Okay, I was basing the Paperwhite on your subject line.  In response to someone's question about the basic Kindle, I found this reply which may help you about temporarily changing to landscape orientation until you get your case:

You can change text size and orientation (portrait or landscape) via the Display Settings screen along with font type, line spacing and margins. However, you can only make these changes within a book and they only apply to book contents. If you change orientation to landscape in a book for example and then return to the home screen the orientation will switch back to portrait. It will switch back to landscape again when you return to the book. Similarly, changing the text size in a book does not affect the text size in the My Library screen where your books are listed. There is no option to change background color. E-ink ereaders only offers black text on a white(ish) background.