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The Sky is Full of Stars (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science, Stage 2)
The Sky is Full of Stars - Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science, Stage 2 Author:Franklyn M. Branley, Felicia Bond (Illustrator) Young stargazers learn about different star colors and brightnesses, how to locate major constellations, and how to make mini planetariums by using coffee cans and flashlights.
wolfie0516 reviewed The Sky is Full of Stars (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science, Stage 2) on
This is a great book for explaining to kids how star constellations form pictures. The activity included in the book which shows kids how to punch holes in a cup based on star locations in constellations and then shine a flashlight through the cup and look at the constellation that it makes is a great one. It is easy to do and great fun. It is a very practical way to show kids how to make the connections of stars within a constellation without the confusion and competition of other stars that exist in the actual night sky.