Helpful Score: 2
I still find the dialogue really snappy, and enjoyable. Snarky and funny. The sex is stupid, and unrealistic, and annoying, but hey they are not 100% human so they can have super sex. This just seemed kinda of a watered down plot, that didnt get far. Well on to the next book, since it is worth finding out what happens next.

This is the sixth book in the Charley Davidson series. The eleventh book in this series releases the end of January. I think this series keeps getting better and better. I love that the storyline is getting broader and more interesting. Of course there is a ton of humor in here and I continue to love Charley's off the wall comments.
I listened to this on audiobook again...I am just absolutely hooked on these audiobooks. King does an awesome job narrating and continues to make this series rock even more on audiobook than it would on paper. I definitely recommend listening to this series on audiobook if you enjoy audiobooks.
There is a ton going on in this book but Jones does a good job keeping track of all the separate story threads and making them come together in a unique way by the end of the story. The story is unpredictable, fast-paced, and continually intriguing.
The 12 Beasts of Hell have been released and things are about to get really really interesting for Reyes and Charley. We learn a lot more about Reyes' past and more about Hell. Charley's powers continue to grow and change.
There were points in this book where all the multiple storylines going almost got to be too much; however it never quite got to the point for me. Jones does such an excellent job weaving the story together that you really only realize how complex it's all gotten when you stop to think about it.
Overall this was a fantastic continuation of the Charley Davidson series. I am really loving this series and I love it more with each book I read. I would definitely recommend this whole series to fans of light-hearted urban fantasy. It's just been so much fun to read!
I listened to this on audiobook again...I am just absolutely hooked on these audiobooks. King does an awesome job narrating and continues to make this series rock even more on audiobook than it would on paper. I definitely recommend listening to this series on audiobook if you enjoy audiobooks.
There is a ton going on in this book but Jones does a good job keeping track of all the separate story threads and making them come together in a unique way by the end of the story. The story is unpredictable, fast-paced, and continually intriguing.
The 12 Beasts of Hell have been released and things are about to get really really interesting for Reyes and Charley. We learn a lot more about Reyes' past and more about Hell. Charley's powers continue to grow and change.
There were points in this book where all the multiple storylines going almost got to be too much; however it never quite got to the point for me. Jones does such an excellent job weaving the story together that you really only realize how complex it's all gotten when you stop to think about it.
Overall this was a fantastic continuation of the Charley Davidson series. I am really loving this series and I love it more with each book I read. I would definitely recommend this whole series to fans of light-hearted urban fantasy. It's just been so much fun to read!

It wasn't as good as the others, but still read the whole thing and liked it. Won't miss the next one.

Yes or No what will Charley's answer going to be for Rayes proposal?
Charley is still over her head with cases right and left, including the child abduction case that is unsolved and the baby who happens to be missing is her true love... Charley is helping her bff Cookie on a plan to make Uncle Ubie jealous just so he can finally asks Cookie out, plans do they back fire on her or not.... Captain Elkhart will go to great lengths just to blackmail Charley just for his own guilt can be bared and freed... Truth of Angel is Mrs. Garza really his mother?.... New names on the wall but they aren't names of passed on souls but soon to be... so much more you will learn in this story, it will get you to laugh out loud, cry, and want to feel evil flesh in your hands to want to do bad things to them...
Charley is still over her head with cases right and left, including the child abduction case that is unsolved and the baby who happens to be missing is her true love... Charley is helping her bff Cookie on a plan to make Uncle Ubie jealous just so he can finally asks Cookie out, plans do they back fire on her or not.... Captain Elkhart will go to great lengths just to blackmail Charley just for his own guilt can be bared and freed... Truth of Angel is Mrs. Garza really his mother?.... New names on the wall but they aren't names of passed on souls but soon to be... so much more you will learn in this story, it will get you to laugh out loud, cry, and want to feel evil flesh in your hands to want to do bad things to them...