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Topic: September 2024 Health & Fitness Support & Chat

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vickinb avatar
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Subject: September 2024 Health & Fitness Support & Chat
Date Posted: 8/31/2024 5:58 PM ET
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Are you looking for support on your health and fitness journey? If you are, then this thread is for you.

There are no expectations in this forum. Post as often as you like. Post anything that you feel is relevant to your own personal health and fitness goal. Here are some ideas:

  • Monthly health and fitness goal
  • Daily health and fitness goal
  • Progress (or setbacks) in reaching your goal
  • Personal stories about why you are joining this topic
  • Healthy recipes that you feel others will enjoy
  • Links to articles or books that you feel others would find helpful
  • Food Choices (healthy or unhealthy)

Remember, your health and fitness journey is your own. There is no one program, method, or philosophy that is right for everyone. This thread is for support only.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/1/2024 9:52 AM ET
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Happy September Everyone!! Hope it's a great month for all.

I asked yesterday what your September goals were besides losing weight, although I know we all want to drop a few pounds. So what are your non-weight goals?

My goals for September are: to get back on the exercise bike and ride it at least 4 days a week for whatever amount of time my knees can handle. To push myself to walk more even when it hurts my lower back, because I know if I keep pushing, after awhile it'll get easier. I know I have health issues with my back but I think I compound the problem by not being more active, so that has to change. For now it may mean walking more in my apt. instead of going outside due to heat and wet weather, but I can walk all over the apt. on days it's not good to go outside. I really have to start taking better care of myself. I'm alone, with no family close and if I get down due to illness or injury, I'm going to be in a world of hurt. So I need to start taking much better care of myself. And yes, I know that also means getting this weight off, so that's also something I'm working on. I'm starting fresh today after a nasty weigh in this morning. Starting out Sept. at 247.4. It just keeps climbing, but no more. I know last month the weight didn't start creeping back until I started back eating the peanut butter and bagels, so those are now gone. The only bread I have now are the pita rounds that I'll use for the tuna salad when I make that. I'm going back to eating as I did at the start of August when I was dropping the weight like crazy. I do believe using the exercise bike like I was doing was helping with that as well so I do need to push myself to go back to riding dispite my sore knees. It's past time for making excuses. If I want to get the weight off I've got to buckle down and do the work. So that's what I'm going to do.

Another thing I plan to do is start wearing my dentures all the time. Normally I don't wear them when at home but I need to start wearing them all the time and get used to eating with them. I have problems eating with them because it's like trying to eat with a mouth full of plastic. So at home I don't bother and I don't go out to eat. But if I want to go places and do things, and maybe meet others, then I need to get used to the dentures and learn to eat with them. And for years I haven't worn make-up because Bob didn't like it on me, but these days I think wearing a little make-up daily would boost my feelings, and I do look better with a little make-up on. That's something I'll have to wait on til I get my SS# but I plan to get the basics and start wearing it after over 25 years of not wearing it. Just eye shadow, liner, blush,mascara, and lip gloss. Once I get everything and start using it, I'll take a new photo and put it on here so you can see the changes. Can't do much over my hair. That's a lost cause (extremely thin with scalp showing in places) but thats what ballcaps are for.

I really want to make these changes. I think it'll make me look better and I know it'll make me feel better. So onward to a better me!

icantswim avatar
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Date Posted: 9/1/2024 10:38 AM ET
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Your goals and motivation sound strong, Vicki. I admire your perseverance. Keep it strong! I remember years ago when I lived in NJ I went on a little kick where I ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast. Within two weeks my clothes were tight, so I cut that out. Peanut butter was terrible for me, so probably good you're cutting it out.


So, even though yesterday I said I was going to eat "all the food" at the get together we had here with our friends, since we were hosting, I didn't eat as much as I thought. And today my starting weight for the month is my lowest of the year at 142.9. That's actually pretty surprising, but I'll take it.

Vicki, you asked about our non-weight goals. This month I want to drink more hot tea (plain, no cream or sugar, of course). I also want to keep up with my Yin yoga. I want to avoid seconds at dinner. I'm generally good about this but once in a while I get seconds, and then I feel overly full and yucky. So not worth it. 

Otherwise, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and chugging along.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/1/2024 3:52 PM ET
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Yesterday I had pizza and birthday cake with friends. When I got home I tossed the rest of the cake in the trash. Terribly wasteful but i couldn't keep it and they wouldn't.  I didn't feel so good for awhile. I'm not used to eating a big hunk of chocolate layer cake with fudge frosting. My friends gifted me a Paint By Number kit that was from a photo of my little Meggie! And a huge yellow mum plant that will soon bloom. I am not dieting today either but tomorrow I'll resume watching what I eat.

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Splurge
Date Posted: 9/2/2024 1:26 AM ET
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I splurged today but tomorrow is a new day.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/2/2024 7:58 AM ET
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Teri, I hope you had a very Happy Birthday and WTG on getting rid of the leftover cake. I don't know if I could have been as strong.

Heather, you'll do it. And Margaret, thankfully we all can start fresh on a daily basis.

I did well yesterday, food wise. I kept my calories under 1000 and my sodium under 1800. And I managed 11 minutes on the exercise bike. I think I have what foods cause me issues out of the apt. now and they'll stay out here on out. Todays weight: 245.4


ADDED: Did really well today with my eating. Stayed well below the limits I chose. And I managed 9 minutes on the bike.

Oh, I also changed my photo on here. Still wearing the cap, but a better photo.

Last Edited on: 9/2/24 9:29 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/4/2024 8:12 AM ET
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Did well with my eating and exercise yesterday even though my sodium was a little higher than I wanted it to be. But once again the numbers are going down. I'm 243.6 this morning.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/4/2024 8:47 AM ET
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The new COVID booster is out so I scheduled it for Friday. I'm getting the flu shot too.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/4/2024 6:21 PM ET
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Are you on the mederma covid vaccine or the other one? Be careful getting the 2 together Teri. When I got the covid vaccine last year with the flu shot, I had a bad case of chills that lasted for hours.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/4/2024 6:38 PM ET
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Moderna. I usually get the 2 together so hopefully it will be okay this time too. I usually feel a little under the weather after every Covid booster just for a day.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/5/2024 9:19 AM ET
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I just called and made my appt. for my covid booster. I'll get it on Wed. while I'm there to buy groceries. I get it done at the store pharmacy.

Did really well with my eating yesterday and managed to get on the exercise bike twice ( an 11 minute one and a 9 minute one).

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/6/2024 7:44 AM ET
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Waiting for mantanance to get here this morning. My disposal died yesterday and he's coming this morning sometime to replace it. Can't even run water in the sink until it's replaced.

Still 243.6 this morning. Third day in a row. Still staying really low in calories and sodium plus riding the bike daily, but I seem to hold the same weight for 3-5 days before it lets the number go down more. I'll see how it is on Sunday.

How is everyone else doing this week?

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/6/2024 8:12 AM ET
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I'm up a couple pounds. I blame dining out once a week this summer. I brought out a wall calendar and highlighted the days left before my trip to Tucson to maybe help me focus on my diet. Surely I can be tough for a month!!!

Even if weight loss drugs like Ozempic fall in price, I don't know if I would go back on it. I've become leery of them.

icantswim avatar
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Date Posted: 9/6/2024 1:45 PM ET
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My week is going great. It went by fast. I am still hanging in at 143.5 today. Last night I had dinner out with a friend. We had all kinds of fun food, and I am glad the scale today did not see a major uptick. Today I am back on my normal eating plan. I have not had a hot tea yet today, so I will go make one now  :)

I wouldn't do Ozempic either, Teri. I don't think I'd be a candidate, but even if I were, I am hesitant to put stuff into my body. Plus, unless I would be prepared to commit to taking it forever, then it would be a quick fix, not a long-term solution, since I think many people gain the weight right back once they stop taking it.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/7/2024 7:52 AM ET
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My son takes ozempic because of his diabetes but he wanted it because it would have the side benefit of helping him lose some weight. Luckily with his insurance his co-pay isn't but about $30.00 a month for it. For me, that would be too much to have to pay but he has a good job so it's not a hardship.

I'm 242.6 this morning so little by little the numbers are coming down.

They had to order a new disposal so can't get it replaced until sometime Monday, so I'll be stuck home all day Monday waiting for maintenance to come.

Good news: My friend Phyllis got to go home from her long stay in rehab yesterday. They have home health care coming 3 days a week to help her with anything needed like bathing, etc. so her son won't have to help her with that. I'll go see her on Tuesday.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/7/2024 7:25 PM ET
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I got my Covid booster yesterday. My arm was very sore. I didn't sleep more than 3 hours last night and I felt achy all day. I dozed on and off all day and ate anything I wanted.  I expect to feel back to normal tomorrow. I'll focus on eating right to hopefully return to a lower weight. 

Last Edited on: 9/7/24 7:26 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/7/2024 9:34 PM ET
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Hope you feel a lot better Teri by in the morning.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/8/2024 4:39 AM ET
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I feel lots better this morning. I turned the light out at 9:30 and  slept pretty well even though I woke up at 4. I usually take cat naps during the day. I didn't weigh myself yesterday or today, I was so into comfort  food. I'm back to normal today although my arm is still sore. Its not as inflamed.  I plan on an easy day today. Just laundry. Finish a book.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/8/2024 8:46 AM ET
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I'm glad you're feeling better Teri.

I'm still at 242.6 this morning but it's 4.8 lbs. less than last Sunday so I'm happy with that. Staying on my current plan and if I'm lucky I'll see it below 240 next Sunday.

One thing I did yesterday that I've been putting off for awhile was to order myself a seated walker. Most days I wouldn't need it but there are times I'd like to go places where a shopping cart isn't available for me to use to hang on to when I'm walking. This will allow me to be a little more active and go places I'd otherwise not try due to my back acting up if I walk too much without some kind of support. I hate that its come to that but I'm not going to allow pride to keep me from doing something just because I need a little help due to back issues. A cane isn't enough help. If my back were to flare up and me out and I needed to sit down, it's possible I'd have nowhere to sit. With this walker I'll have a seat with me. Anyway, I ordered it yesterday and it'll be here Thursday.

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Piggie
Date Posted: 9/8/2024 10:55 PM ET
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I have been a little piggie!

im on a trip for a Scrabble tournament and I made good food choices for the first several days, but yesterday and today I really pigged out, and i didn't find time for walks. I need to reform when I get home!

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/9/2024 7:56 AM ET
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Have fun at the tournament Margaret.

I'm 241.2 this morning.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2024 9:04 AM ET
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Still holding at 241.2. I really want to be below 240 so I'm trying to be patient. I know it takes me awhile to get out of the 250's, 240's, etc. I'll take weeks per 10 lb losses. But I'm still in there, doing my best.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2024 10:16 AM ET
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Now that I'm past the Covid shot, I'm feeling much better and not comfort eating. Weight slowly going back down.  Happy to say that there have been no cookies and sugar free Jell-o has been acceptible as dessert. Orange or peach.

icantswim avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2024 11:17 AM ET
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Good job, Vicki! Slow but steady wins the race. 

Teri, glad your feeling better after the shots. They knock me out for a full day too. I just have no energy for at least 24 hours. I have to plan them for a weekend we have no plans.

Margaret, are you home from your tournament? I hope it was fun!


As for me, I'm having a come to Jesus moment. My husband's sister was in town from CA last week and this weekend. We had so many food-based get togethers with her and my in-laws. We ate out three times, and had a BBQ at my in-laws. So. Much. Food. that I don't usually eat. My weight has slowly been creeping up the past few days, and today is red alert. I've passed my maintenance zone of staying in the Healthy range BMI. I need to be 145.0 lbs or less to be in the healthy zone. Today I'm 145.5. Nope, time to get serious. The good news is she went back to California, so no food events anytime soon. I'm going to focus on getting back to eating my good foods. 

Last Edited on: 9/10/24 11:21 AM ET - Total times edited: 3
schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2024 12:05 PM ET
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Tuesday:   'm trying to get back to 193 at least before i visit Dad in Tucson in October! On the bright side even if I don't reach that goal I'll still be able to wear my same clothes. 

Wednesday:  I'm slowly going down from my spike last week. I think its because I've got no cookies in the house, no chips. Very little regular Pepsi. Sugar free Jell-O for dessert. Also I'm sticking to just one drumstick with my spinach salad. These are very large drums.

Last Edited on: 9/11/24 12:03 PM ET - Total times edited: 1