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Topic: September 2022 Health and Fitness Support

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Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/16/2022 6:48 PM ET
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Congratulations Teri on dropping the 'birthday gain.'  I still have my 3#.  :(

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/18/2022 8:55 AM ET
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Happy Sunday Everyone. Hope this is starting out a good week for you. I'm starting the week 1.7 lbs. heavier than last Sunday but after the way I've been eating the last few days, I'm just very thankful it's not more.

This week I'm going to do my best to eat in a more normal way and not just graze all day.

Has anyone seen the diet talk about " Eat Like a Bear"? I'm getting the emails about it and I think starting in October I'm going to give it a shot. It's basically 1 BIG salad a day and you eat all you want for 1 hour, then no more food til the next day. You don't add the cheese or croutons, etc. It's a big salad with an added protein to it ( More like a Cobb salad) and you drink water all day. Back years ago I lost over 100 lbs doing something similiar so I know it works. But this one is geared more to the older generation (over 40). You do intermediant fasting the rest of the day. Right now I still have a little too much regular foods in the apt. and it would be too tempting to cheat, but next month I'm going to seriously give this a try. I'll know in a months time if it's something I can stick with long term. So it's worth giving it a try. I know this weight has to come off.

LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/18/2022 9:40 AM ET
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Good morning.  I was up this week too Vicki, but more than you.  Up 3#.  I totally know why.  I've kind of lost my motivation and I'm not sure how to get it back.  Eating way too much and the wrong stuff during my eating window, but the worst part is "I don't really care." 

This is a hard time of year for me when the weather begins to get cooler, but I know that is really just an excuse to eat, not a reason to eat.  Going to do a clean fast this week and hope that helps.  So, that means no sparkling water during my fasting window basically because that's usually what I have that makes it a dirty fast.

All those other habits are going pretty well.  Haven't really nailed the no seconds that is my September habit, but I'm more aware of how often I have "just a little more."  Going to have to work harder on planning everything I'm going to eat in a meal ahead of the meal and then execute.  :)

Got to run or I'll be late for church.  Talk to y'all later.

englishmaven avatar
Date Posted: 9/18/2022 3:42 PM ET
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Hello. Weekly check-in. I weighed 123 this morning.

NancyAZ avatar
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Date Posted: 9/18/2022 4:08 PM ET
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I don't think I've been eating less this week because of this awful cold and I've been eating a lot of ice cream because it feels good on my throat so I'm not sure how my weight is 147.1 today but I'll take it. I'll definitely have to stop the ice cream or the weight will start creeping up. 

I really want to get back to some type of exercise.  Pretty soon it will be nice enough to walk outside.   I think I'll do some arm work today.
85% back to healthy.  

Last Edited on: 9/18/22 4:12 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/19/2022 10:44 AM ET
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Lisa, hope the rest of the week goes better for you food wise.

I decided I'm not going to do that eat like a bear food plan. In the long run it just won't work for me. I'm just going to have to work more on portion control and stop the grazing. I still plan to do the intermediate fasting which I've pretty much been doing all along. Normally I don't have my first meal until around 2pm. Rarely hungry before then. My issue is usually once I have that first meal then I seem to stay hungry. But I'm going to work on making better food choices. My goal is still to be under 200 lbs. by the 1st of January. So I've really got to get my butt in gear and make it happen.

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Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/19/2022 6:04 PM ET
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Thanks Vicki.  It's a new week and I went back to my tried and true intermittent fasting schedule where I stop eating at about 3 in the afternoon.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/20/2022 8:37 AM ET
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Friends, I have lost 2 more pounds, making my total 42 pounds lost!  I may have to take a few tucks in my new size smaller jeans I got for my trip to Tucson in October!  Or take belts with me!

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Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/20/2022 1:03 PM ET
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Good job Teri.  Whatever you are doing is obviously working.  Belts may have to be your friends on your trip.

NancyAZ avatar
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Date Posted: 9/21/2022 2:08 AM ET
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Good job Teri! That is significant weight loss!

Vicki, the Eat Like a Bear food plan sounded hard to me.  Portion control and no grazing sounds like a good plan.

Water aerobics in the morning. I know the water is going to be cold! 

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/24/2022 7:12 AM ET
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Yeah, I decided against the eat like a bear plan.

I'm 229.3 this morning. Hopefully I won't go back into the 230's anymore.

Went yesterday and got my flu & pneumonia shots. I felt fine for about 4 hours then I got such chills, my whole body was shaking. I keep my apt. around 78-80 degrees to save on the electric bill and you'd think it was 30 below, as cold and shaking as I was doing. I ended up having to put the heating pad on my back ( for heat), wrapped up in my snuggie, and even put socks on my feet. And I felt like I was running a fever as well as my face was very hot. It took about 6 hours for the chills to go away and my face to cool down. Today I feel so-so. My arm hurts from the shots and I feel very weak, so will spend the day playing on the computer and reading. Luckily I had nothing planned for the day.

LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/24/2022 8:26 AM ET
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Hi everyone.  Hope you are doing well.

Vicki, I think it's good you decided to forego the eat like a bear plan.  It doesn't seem sustainable for the long term to me.  Congrats on the loss.  Sorry you had a reaction to the vaccines.  I need to get my flu shot.  I think I need a second dose of the pneumonia vaccine too, but I'll get it at the doctor when I go for my physical in November.  That is when I got the first one, and I think he said I'd get a second one a year later.  i just go to CVS to get the flu vaccine though.  I've never had a reaction to any vaccine except the covid ones.  Not even the shingles vaccine bothered me.

Anyway, a day of rest sounds like what you need. :)

I'm not too busy myself, although I might do some laundry.  I am going to lunch with some friends.  They are actually taking me to lunch for a belated birthday celebration.  Italian so I probably should make it my only meal today.  Maybe split into two servings though.  If I eat part of it there and then the rest of it at the end of my eating window, that should be good.  Sooooo - that's the plan.

Tomorrow is my official weigh-in, but this morning I was down from last week.  Of course, last week was 'paying the price' for out of control eating and was higher than the week before.  So, tomorrow I'm maybe just back where I was two weeks ago.  I need to get over this "whatever it is" and quit the gain 3#, lose 3# cycle.

Have a good one and I hope you are all doing well.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/25/2022 8:54 AM ET
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I'm doing fine today thankfully. Still have a sore arm from the 2 shots, but that's it. My official weigh in for today is 229.5, so I'm down 3.2 lbs.for the week.

That makes me happy. Now to keep going down.

Lisa, Hope you had a wonderful birthday lunch with your friends.

englishmaven avatar
Date Posted: 9/25/2022 11:25 AM ET
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Weekly Check-In: 120.8~time to concentrate on maintaining this weight and continue to keep my healthy habits.

LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/26/2022 9:45 AM ET
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Hey friends. Hope your day is going well.

My official weigh-in was 3# down from last week, although last week was up, so I'm really just where I as 2 weeks ago anyway.  Going to do better this week at paying close attention to what I'm eating and make deliberate choices.

I did have a nice birthday lunch on Saturday, Vicki.  And, I even did what I said I would do and only ate half.  Brought the other half home, but didn't eat it until Sunday because I had leftovers from lunch on Friday.  Ate those leftovers because it added variety to the day.  :)

Wish y'all a great day, and a successful day.

Later. . . .

NancyAZ avatar
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Date Posted: 9/26/2022 1:12 PM ET
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It looks like everyone is doing well with some weight loss.  I had a lot of birthday meals the past two weeks. My birthday was at the beginning of September but I had to cancel several get togethers because of my bad cold. 
I'm pleasantly surprised that I'm still under 150. 148.7 this morning.  I went to water aerobics twice last week and hope to get there two times this week as well. The water is getting a bit chilly. Almost cool enough to start walking outside again. 

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 10/1/2022 10:03 AM ET
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I see the Oct. Forum hasn't been set up yet so I'll post here for Oct. 1st.

I'm starting out the month at 232.9, which is 3.5 lbs. heavier than last week. I'm going to blame Hurricane Ian for it this time and a lot of stress eating. Thankfully I weathered the hurricane fine so can't use that excuse now. I'm going to be working this month on getting into the low 220,s and not do so much yo yo ING. I plan to drink a lot more water daily and stick to the one meal a day plan that worked for me years ago.

Hope everyone has a good week.

Last Edited on: 10/2/22 8:32 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 10/2/2022 8:35 AM ET
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Well I'm actually up a little more this morning. I'm 233.4 today but it won't go up any more. I've gotten rid of everything I have trouble staying away from, mostly junk carbs, and super high fat foods. Hopefully today starts a fresh new way for me and I'll start seeing the numbers go down.

LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 10/2/2022 9:30 AM ET
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I'm right there with you Vicki.  Up a couple pounds this week, but determined not to let those 'evil foods' back into my house.  Oh to be one of those people with good self-control. . . . .

My October new habit is to limit sweets/desserts to 2x per week and preferably to have them connected to a meal.  I do so much better, in general, when I don't snack and just attach the snack I want to a meal.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 10/2/2022 9:52 AM ET
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208 today! Hooray! 42 pounds lost. I'm going to have a piece of cherry pie today but I've already figured this into my CarbManager app.  Tomorrow early I have a fasting blood draw. That will tell me if my daily ham and eggs has got to change. It works so well for me. No carbs and I'm not hungry all day.

I expect to yoyo between 210 and 208 for a couple of days before my body settles on 208 or 207. I haven't been this low since 2006!

Last Edited on: 10/2/22 9:54 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
englishmaven avatar
Date Posted: 10/2/2022 12:53 PM ET
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I forgot to create the October forum. I'm off to do that now.

October 2022 Health and Fitness is posted.

Last Edited on: 10/2/22 12:56 PM ET - Total times edited: 1