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Topic: September 2022 Health and Fitness Support

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englishmaven avatar
Subject: September 2022 Health and Fitness Support
Date Posted: 8/31/2022 7:43 AM ET
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Are you looking for support on your health and fitness journey? If you are, then this thread is for you.

There are no expectations in this forum. Post as often as you like. Post anything that you feel is relevant to your own personal health and fitness goal. Here are some ideas:

  • Monthly health and fitness goal
  • Daily health and fitness goal
  • Progress (or setbacks) in reaching your goal
  • Personal stories about why you are joining this topic
  • Healthy recipes that you feel others will enjoy
  • Links to articles or books that you feel others would find helpful
  • Food Choices (healthy or unhealthy)

Remember, your health and fitness journey is your own. There is no one program, method, or philosophy that is right for everyone. This thread is for support only.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/1/2022 7:02 AM ET
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Good Morning & Happy 1st day of Sept. This year seems to be flying by.

I'm happy to say for August I dropped 5.6 lbs. total. My current weight is 229.1. Still need to watch my portion sizes a little better and not snack as much but I'm doing better than I was. Everything in moderation.

My goals for this month are:

Drop another 5 lbs.

Drink more water and less soda

Do something each and every day that makes me happy, no matter how small it is.

Hope everyone has an awesome week and remember: YOU CAN DO IT!!

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/1/2022 7:19 AM ET
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I put on about 3-4 pounds over my birthday. I know its temporary. I knew I would so I'm not upset. Triple layer chocolate cake will not be passing my lips until my next birthday. 

LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/1/2022 10:44 AM ET
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Good morning.  Hope everyone is doing well.  I had a hard time coming up with a September goal/habit, but I'm going to say its no seconds.  I have a bad habit of being restrained when fixing my plate, but then just going back for more.  I want to 'get all I intend to eat' in round one and eliminate the second servings - meals and snacks/desserts.

Vicki, congrats on the 5# loss.  I've somehow managed to move my 'hover weight' down 5# too and it feels good.  I love your habit of doing something every day that makes you happy - even if it's a small thing.

Teri, planned splurges - so much better than what we used to do, right?  It's my birthday month, but I'm hoping to limit the damage and still maintain that new hover weight, even if I don't lose much more.

I'd like to move it down a few more pounds, but trying to be realistic too.  I will have lots of opportunities to eat out this month - celebrating my birthday, but also the birthdays of a few friends.  Mindful eating needs to be the key.

I haven't quite managed to cement my August habit of eating everything sitting at a table, so I need to keep working on that.  I've got the meals down, but I keep forgetting it applies to snacks too.

Let's all make it a great September and establish those good habits.  :)


englishmaven avatar
Subject: September 2022 Health and Fitness Goals
Date Posted: 9/3/2022 12:26 PM ET
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Wow! Vicki, that is wonderful!

Teri: Cake will do it, but it's birthday cake. 

Lisa: I like the idea of saying no to second helpings.

This morning I weighed 124.2. I did meet my August goal. 

September 2022 Health and Fitness Goals:

  • Lose 2 pounds~weigh 122.2 by the end of September.
  • Continue only eating breakfast and supper each day.
  • Floss my teeth every night before I go to bed.
  • Make a vitamin supplement habit.
  • Stop future-tripping about things that haven't happened yet.

I'm going to post updates on Saturdays. I'm toying with the idea of creating weekly goals~sometimes we just need shorter goals to show a little progress.

We're going to a wedding tonight~I am going to eat a slice of cake. To be honest, I told David that I might eat a piece of wedding cake and a piece of the groom's cake. I haven't had a piece of cake since my son's wedding last October. 

Enjoy your day. I'll post my weekly goals tomorrow.

Last Edited on: 9/3/22 12:27 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/3/2022 5:18 PM ET
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Good afternoon.  Melissa, I think you are right that sometimes we need shorter goals in order to feel like we are making progress.  Especially if the long term goal is big.  Breaking it into smaller chunks makes it seem doable.

Knowing all the right things doesn't necessarily translate to doing all the right things for me.  Yesterday, I slipped into this 'funk' for no particular reason at all, but nevertheless, I did.  I went off on a 'eat anything I can find to eat' tangent, didn't care whether I was sitting at the table to eat it or not, didn't care that it was not only 2nds, but 3rds, and 4ths, and then went to bed without brushing my teeth.  Maybe I expected to get up in the middle of the night to further indulge - who knows.

Anyway, I am back on track today, but that little binge cost me several pounds which will take a lot longer than one day to undo.  Funny how one day can put the pounds on, but not take them off.  Funny, ironic, not funny, ha ha.

I guess I'll count it a win that I'm back on track today since there was certainly a time when it would have taken me weeks to get back on track.

I've really got to work on cementing down the everything eaten at a table.  I do fine with meals - which I think might have been my actual habit - but the snacks go all over the house with me and that makes them easy to mindlessly consume.  Maybe my September goal should have been no snacks instead of no 2nds.

Hope everyone is having a nice holiday weekend.  Melissa, enjoy the cake.  Planned indulgence isn't a bad thing.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/4/2022 8:02 AM ET
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Good Morning Ladies. Please note I read all the posts but I rarely answer post to post. Not out of disrespect; just too lazy to pull everyones report back and forth as I post my message. So please forgive me for that. I do think everyone is doing well and congrates to the birthday girl and hope you really enjoy the cake, even if it did add a little weight. You'll relose it in no time. Special times don't deserve weight worries.

As of today I regained 4 lbs. That's weekend weight gain, which seems to be a normal thing for me. I don't work on weekends and I tend to eat more. By the middle of the week the numbers are usually back down. I think my main goal is seeing the end result at the end of the month, when I see what I managed for the month. That seems to work best for me, scale wise. Weekly, my goals remain the same; drink more water, move more, and find something daily that makes me happy.

Enjoy the week my friends.

LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/4/2022 2:27 PM ET
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Good afternoon.  I did my official weekly weigh-in and am up 2#.  Could have been worse, but still, I hate re-losing weight I already lost once.  I've done too much of that over my lifetime.

I'm not going to focus on weight this week though - as in, I'm not going to weigh every day, and maybe not until next Sunday.

What I am going to focus on is eating at the table and no seconds and clean fasting.  I easily fall into the dirty fasting because I'm not doing it for health benefits other than weight loss/maintenance.  So, I drink flavored sparkling water (5 calories) or flavored tea (5 calories) during my fasting window.  Although I don't think those 5-15 calories makes that much difference, I think it messes with my brain chemistry and makes me want to eat more than I would if I just drank plain water or black coffee/tea.  Maybe that's all in my head too, but regardless, I think I have done much better with the IF when I do clean fasting, so that's what I'm going to try to get back to.

Vicki, I'm not offended if you just read the posts and don't reply individually to what I say.  :)

Wishing y'all a successful week.

ShaylaB avatar
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Date Posted: 9/5/2022 11:02 AM ET
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Today was my first CrossFit workout back in our garage gym since July 4th. We have had A LOT of home renovations lately (all new siding & all new floors) which in turn has prohibited us from using the garage gym. The garage has been a mess & a storage unit & a go between for construction guys. It was good to get back at it even though it felt like I was a newbie all over again. First day back is always the hardest, especially mentally, though so glad I've crossed that barrier. 

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/5/2022 1:00 PM ET
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Shayla,  Do you like to work out?  I have never liked "structured" exercise. Ever.  I'm serious when I refer to stacking wood as my exercise program. Or weed whacking. I can work outside all day, or at least all morning, without complaint.  Its like I'm tricking myself into exercising.  The outdoor work does help me lose weight.  I have several exercise DVDs. This winter I hope to start using them because shoveling snow isn't near as fun as stacking wood!

ShaylaB avatar
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Date Posted: 9/5/2022 2:32 PM ET
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Teri- I would say yes I like to workout. Sometimes not at the moment but overall yes & I like the results. We used to own a CrossFit gym. Had it 7 years, sold it Jan 2020 when we started to downsize our business life. I like CF bc it's ever changing, most workouts don't look exactly the same, not a lot of room for boredom. 

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/5/2022 3:09 PM ET
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Shayla, what is Cross Fit? I've heard people mention it but I don't know what it is, really. It must be somewhat vigorous, right?

LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/5/2022 7:31 PM ET
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Good evening.  Been a kind of weird day because I had intended to go to the gym but couldn't since I didn't have a car.  Then I ended up having to go rent a car later in the day since the repair shop couldn't get in touch with the extended warranty people due to the holiday.

I did get laundry done and managed to purposefully be inefficient with that so I could gather up some steps.  I'm only a couple hundred steps from my goal now though, so shouldn't be an issue.

I managed to hit all my habits today at least, in spite of it being kind of an 'out of my routine' day.

Shayla, I agree that the first day back to the gym is the hardest when I've been out of that routine.  Good for you making it happen on the holiday.

shoveling snow isn't near as fun as stacking wood! -  Neither sounds that fun to me.  I'll stick with the formal gym.  :)  I need social exercise though so doing anything by myself isn't going to happen for the most part.  I can't even make myself take a real walk.  I'd rather just walk around in my house or march in front of the television to get my steps.

Shayla, I like the whole body classes they offer at Planet Fitness for that same reason - every class is a little different.  Plus they are circuit based so we keep changing up every 30-45 seconds.  I can do almost anything for 30-45 seconds.  I don't think I've ever done Crossfit, and like Teri, I might not even understand exactly what it is.

Tomorrow I'm off to Waco to celebrate my birthday with a friend.  I'm looking forward to it, and hope I can stick to my 'habits,' especially the eating sitting at a table and no seconds.  I somehow doubt I'll be back early enough to make the gym, but we should do a lot of walking around.

Later. . . . .

englishmaven avatar
Date Posted: 9/6/2022 7:36 PM ET
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So my weekly goal is late. For the next three days, I will eat a yogurt and protein bar for breakfast.

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Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/6/2022 9:38 PM ET
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I had a great day in Waco.  Probably ate too much, but that's okay.  They gave me a cupcake because it was my birthday, and I ate it and my lunch, but I have a huge cookie (salted carmel chocolate chip) and two more cupcakes that I am saving for later in the week.

We walked a lot so I'm almost at my steps.  Actually did okay on all my habits except I haven't read 30 minutes yet today.  I'm tired so I don't know if I'll make that happen today.  Maybe though.  I'll read and 'watch' the Astros and maybe make it through the next hour.

I'm not weighing this week until my official weigh-in on Sunday so I'm just focusing on sticking to my habits and doing clean fasting.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/11/2022 8:16 AM ET
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Good Morning all. Hope the weekend is going well for everyone. I'm going to be a slug today and just be lazy. Not even getting out of my pj's today. Have no place I need to go and noone will coming here, so it's going to be a lazy day for me. Tomorrow I'll be back doing my Uber job and that'll be a good start to my week.

This past week I stayed within .3 ounces of the same as last week. It is down that much but I had hoped to be down a little more than that. But I can't blame it on anyone but myself. I didn't eat nearly like I should have. Still not bad foods, but just too much per portion and it's something I'm still working on. Will try my best to do better this week.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/11/2022 11:16 AM ET
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I'm out working my exercise program.....stacking wood!

LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/11/2022 6:12 PM ET
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Happy Sunday!  I was surprised this morning at my 'official' weigh-in.  I was .2 lower than last Sunday.  Amazing to me because I felt like all I did was eat all week for my birthday.  Sometimes it seems to work like that though.  I can be diligent and the scale doesn't move at all or not so diligent and get a loss for the week.

Maybe because of it being my birthday month/week, but I don't think I've been very aware of my September habit to not have 2nds.  And, I'm still struggling with remembering to eat everything (even snacks) at a table.  Maybe I can do better this week.  That's my goal!

Vicki, sometimes I think I want to stay in PJs all day if I'm not going anywhere, but it seems contrary to my nature.  Maybe done that a couple times ever, unless I'm sick.  But, I hope you enjoyed your laze about day.  Congrats on managing a few ounces lost too.

Teri, I'll stick with the formal gym, but I do think all that wood stacking has to be pretty good exercise.

NancyAZ avatar
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Date Posted: 9/11/2022 9:35 PM ET
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I was 147.7 on August 31 thanks to my oral surgery.  I went to Michigan for a wedding and came home a few pounds (almost 3) heavier. Dean tested positive for Covid on Labor Day and I've been testing but so far it's been negative. I do have a cold with sore throat and a gravelly voice. The Covid I had in December of 2020 was easier than this cold. Today I weighed 149.  I really want to stay under 150.  I hope to get back to some kind of exercise routine once I feel better. One more month of water aerobics. 

LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/11/2022 9:41 PM ET
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Nancy, I'd like to get under 150 too, but right now I guess I'm happy just to be staying under 160.  For a few weeks I was under 155, but now I've crept up to 157 again.

Sorry you are dealing with the cold.  I can understand what you are saying about the cold being worse than the Covid you had.  That would be the case for me too.  Had almost nothing when I had Covid.  I had a cold a while back and I did test for Covid, but it was negative.  It acted like a cold and responded to cold medicine, so I guess that is what it was, but it hung around for several days.  Hope you feel better soon.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/14/2022 8:10 AM ET
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Hope everyone is feeling good this morning. I know a lot of people still have issues with covid, and I pray it's mild for those that have it. Thankfully I've been spared that so far or else all the shots and boosters are keeping me healthy.

Weight wise, I'm still in the 230's. I'm 230.8 this morning so I'm still yo-yo-ing within a few ounces. I think when I dropped the 5 lbs. it was more of a fluke since it didn't last long and I've been very steady with the same main number since. I really just want to get below the 200 lb. mark, but it is so slow getting there. I would love to get back all the way down to around 165 lbs ultimately but for now I'm just trying to get below the 200 lb. goal.

Today is bill day and shopping day for me so won't be doing my Uber job this morning. But I'll make up for it tomorrow and Friday hopefully. Hope everyone has a good day today.

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Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/14/2022 9:28 AM ET
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it is so slow getting there.  -  I feel the same way Vicki.  I just hover around the same weight and I'm not sure what it will take to drop below that.  It's like my body is happy here and just wants to maintain that weight.  I guess we can be glad if we aren't gaining.  Eventually the scale will move.

Busy here now that Bible Study Fellowship has started back up.  That's good and bad.  The stress can make me eat sugary things I shouldn't eat, but then also busy means less time for mindless eating or boredom eating.

Got to run, but wish y'all a great day.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 9/15/2022 6:50 PM ET
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Today has been a day where all I've wanted to do is eat. And if I try to keep myself from doing it, the more I want it. So I give in and eat, eat, eat. Tomorrow will be another day and hopefully I'll be able to control the food beast. It's actually been an ok day. Just constantly hungry today and water isn't cutting the urge. At least it's not an every day situation. But it hits once in awhile and I've learned to just go along with it or else it becomes uncontrolable.

LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 9/16/2022 10:44 AM ET
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Oh Vicki, I can so relate.  It seems like I also have days where all I want to do is eat, even to the point of not feeling well because I've consumed too much sugar.  I wish I knew what sets it off so I could avoid that, but like you, I'm thankful it's just a day here and there and not an every day thing.

Wishing you, and everyone here, a good Friday and weekend, and may we all be on track with our goals/habits.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/16/2022 11:10 AM ET
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I finally lost my birthday gain. Back to 210. I'm going to mail out some RAOK offerings from sorting out patterns. Tomorrow I'll stop at the Argyle  library and donate a big book on Queen Elizabeth. Its not what I wanted but I think the library will want it.
