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Topic: Would you send books to a member with these requestor conditions?

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freeverse071681 avatar
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Subject: Would you send books to a member with these requestor conditions?
Date Posted: 5/5/2024 8:45 PM ET
Member Since: 8/15/2005
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I just got a large number of requests from one member. The thing that have a very long bunch of requestor conditions. Here are the rcs:

I am not willing to accept books that have strong perfume smells, moldy smells, or strong smoke smells from cigarettes (fireplaces are fine) as I have asthma.  Before you decline, please pm me (member id is )to double check as there are some things that I can handle.    Also, I would appreciate it if you would please wrap my books to protect them from the elements as my mailman doesn't always get them completely in the mailbox. 


My question is would you accept these conditions or be wary of sending. Like I said this member wants a large number of books 20 + so I am a little nervous about sending that many and the possibly getting dinged because of the rcs. Any  comments/suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.


riksny avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2024 10:17 PM ET
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If my books met those conditions, and I would wrap them as requested,  I would send them.

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2024 10:51 PM ET
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Me too. I have the smoking, musty smell RC also.  But if your 'smeller' isn't reliable concerning scents, ask someone else in household to also do a smell test. 

rutabaker avatar
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Date Posted: 5/6/2024 7:43 AM ET
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I would probably send a book or 2, maybe 3, but I'd be reluctant to send as many as 20.

Last Edited on: 5/6/24 7:44 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 5/6/2024 4:14 PM ET
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I wouldn't accept a RC that asked me to PM the member before declining.  Outside of that, if I did decide to accept, I'd use printed postage wtih instant credit. 

bookbuggg avatar
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Date Posted: 5/10/2024 1:40 PM ET
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I don't like requester conditions that are subjective. I like the ones that are specific... For example the ones that say I am unwilling to accept books that are in a current smokers home.

This type of thing can easily be a case where the sender doesn't smell anything yet the person receiving it can say it had a moldy odor or something.

I wouldn't send it and my comment would be, I don't really have a good sense of smell, so I'm not sure so rather than send you books that might affect you, I would rather not do so.

hardtack avatar
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Date Posted: 6/6/2024 11:33 PM ET
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Lately I've been getting RCs asking for minimum tape applied to the package. So I try and accommodate the member by using slightly less tape than usual. But I think I understand why they ask this. Over the past few weeks I've received books with tape covering the entire envelope. There is so much tape I wonder how much it increases the weight of the package.

But then today, I received just the opposite. The address label was a small piece of paper with my name and address. It was held on the envelope by a small strip of Scotch tape at either end. Fortunately, it arrived okay.

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 6/7/2024 11:16 PM ET
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Thomas, do some people still not know scotch tape is not an acceptable wrapping material?  PO is supposed to reject packages using it instead of mailing/packaging tape. I have been in line when my PO clerks have denied customers using it. 

A lot of complaints have been posted here over the years about too much tape on packages. Sometimes you can't safely open the book without damaging it due to too much tape tightly applied. And yes, I would imagine that covering entire package would add unnecessary weight. 

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 6/10/2024 3:38 PM ET
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Molly, just so you know, I have gotten books from you before without any problem.


bibliofiend60 avatar
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Date Posted: 10/5/2024 3:24 PM ET
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Some people still don't know not to tape the book covers! I've never had a problem with "scotch" tape, it breaks pretty easily. Which is probably why the mail system won't accept it. I have had a few books so tightly wrapped in packing tape that I worry about damaging the book getting it free. 

The last two times I complained to a sender that they had sent books that did not meet the standard requirements, they were horrors to deal with. I'm still short those four credits. But then, with the USPS rates climbing so drastically, it's only a small part of the inconvenience to book traders.