Great answers to life questions.
From back of book: "God's word spoken out of your mouth regularly produces a powerful victorious life! So make a decision and get started today!" - Joyce Meyer
From back of book: "God's word spoken out of your mouth regularly produces a powerful victorious life! So make a decision and get started today!" - Joyce Meyer

I enjoy this book. It is very good to have when you are not used to speaking out God's Word for yourself or others. There are so many areas that you can speak life and the power of His Scriptures into.
I love, love, love this book.
It is very great to use the scriptures that she has done the work to look up. I is separated by topic(Peace, Fear, Anger, etc.)
Remember to call those things that be not as though they are!
It is very great to use the scriptures that she has done the work to look up. I is separated by topic(Peace, Fear, Anger, etc.)
Remember to call those things that be not as though they are!
Most of us do not have any idea about the real power of God's words and the positive effects they can and DO have on our lives. This is SO though-provoking! All Christians NEED to know what is in this wonderful book!