Page: Unlock Forum posting with Annual Membership. |
Should I or shouldn't I? Hmmmm, that is the question.....
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Double post. Last Edited on: 12/1/14 2:17 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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I did it. I got myself a 6 month sub. Probably should have gone for the 1 year! |
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Found out that you have to cancel your paypal auto pay (which cancels your Scribd sub) for the gift membership to kick in. Not sure about other forms of payment. So now I am waiting another couple of weeks to make sure my 6 month membership is properly applied. |
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Just popped in here, haven't been in this forum in a long time. I love scribd, especially since they now have audio! Anne I noticed in another thread you said you got a kindle fire, was it for you??? I have the scribd app on my fire. I've been a member since last august I think and I have had the app on there since then with no problems. You have to download via the web browser not via the app store. I have a first gen fire so I wasn't as worried about something happening to it. Actually I've been hoping it will take a dirt nap so my bf will see that I need a new one If you go to the link above and follow the directions, it allows you to install the app directly onto your Kindle Fire through your scribd account. I don't know if downloading apps this way voids out a warranty for anyone who has a newer fire just though I'd share.
Also jic anyone is not signing up for scribd based on the things said above, I think most of them have been fixed! Or are only problems in the iapp complaints Cindy R listed: 1) Books shown may not be available in your area. You don't find this out until you try to download it and find out you can't have it. - I've never had this happen to me but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I could have just never found a book I wanted that wasn't available in my area! 2) Some books are only previews, and after getting part-way through it it will ask you if you want to buy it. People don't know it's a book for purchase until they've already read into it. - On the app I use it always says if its a sample or only available for purchase above the book before you open it. 3) No bookmark capabilities. - This was either an upgrade or is only a problem in the iapp, the android app has bookmark capabilities. 4) Some books have bad formatting. - I've only noticed this only on self published books but this happens occasionally on all ebook stores that sell self-published books. I've purchase amazon books and had them have awful formatting many times. I've notice documents more on scribd have bad formatting. 5) No response from customer service on particular problems other than canned responses. - The one time I contacted customer survice they answered my question 100% quick and courteous. I had a basic problem though, my acct was charged twice for one mth and they fixed the next day by refunding my the second charge back to my bank acct. 6) You can 'download' to read later, but if something happens those books can disappear without warning. - This might be an ipad problem I've never had this happen on my android based apps (I use this on my Samsung galaxy phone and my kindle fire), my books are always there when I got back for them some have been on there a mth now. Only time I can think that this might happen is if an author pulls there books from the site, again I've never had this happen to me. I'd be pissed if it did though! Ok I just read in there help section that they always email you if its a book you've opened to try to give you enough time to read it before they delete it. 7) The Ipad app can burn a lot of battery. - Have no clue don't have an ipad, android one is not a battery hog though! Well I have noticed on my phone the when using the audio it does use up the battery faster but no more than my overdrive, or Hoopla app! 8) Limited selection and few from the main publishers. - A lot has been added lately they are making it better each month. The Paranormal, romance, and mystery sections have been greatly added too. IDK about others I stick to those but I do know there have been many best seller authors added in the last 6 mths. And with the addition of blackstone audio they have gotten lots of great audio up. Maureen L. posted "format is too hard to read and searching for an item is absurd." I'm actually going to give her a little + on this one! It was really hard for me to find stuff in the beginning so much so that I ended up searching the authors I read to see what I hadn't read that was up for them. I then added what I needed to read to my library and low an behold it started making recommendations which was great, but a lot I'd already read so I started staring stuff and it started making them better so over time it gets easier to find stuff I want to read. Though my primary way to find a book is not through the browse option available but through searching for authors occasionally when I'm out of stuff to read to see whats been added by my favorite authors. There browse leaves a lot to be desired, but its getting better with each update they do to it. What I like:
I'm sure there's more I like about it but that's all that I can think of right now.
Last Edited on: 2/28/15 5:29 AM ET - Total times edited: 2 |
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I currently have a 6 month sub to both Scribd and Kindle Unlimited. Scribd I use 99% for audio books. I have read an occasional book, but I don't really like their app. I have it on my Nexus 7 and my Kindle Fire HD 6. I prefer to read on my eink devices, for the most part, which I can't do with Scribd books. Kindle Unlimited I keep meaning to use for audio ("with narration added") and have some lined up, but have yet to listen to a single one. I've read a couple of books. I think it's a fair chance I won't be keeping KU. Scribd audio books are great! They have so many romance titles that I want to listen to. I will definitely be keeping that one for the forseeable future. I listen to them on a non-contract phone I bought for that purpose. Between Scribd audio and library audio, I can get what I need to listen to complete series. It is so well worth $9. a month. When I can, I choose Scribd over the library because no waiting! |
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How exciting to discover that a series of books my son asked about is available as audio books on Scribd. He has already listened to the first one and will start the second today. And he has asked to browse the site to see if there are other audio books he is interested in. And how exciting for me to see that they have The Pool of Fire by John Christopher. I had read the trilogy when I was a child, and read the first two to my daughter a couple years ago. She just read the third (yes I still have the paperbacks) but I really didn't want to read the print copy myself. (It's falling apart!). So now I can read it on my Fire HD 6! |
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Ugh I just saw this article and I must say I'm pretty disappointed that they didn't at least consider a rate increase instead of this. If you haven't seen it and use scribd check this out : Rapacious romance readers prompt all-you-can-read Scribd to scale back offerings I'll so be checking out Oyster and Kindle Unlimited after scribd starts this scale back! |
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i'm not a member, but from what i understand they've already started scaling back. like contemporary romance lost more than 2/3 of the titles it used to have. i find this blog has really interesting news on lots of eInk and ebook related things, and has had a couple of post on this already: (btw, one of his latest posts comments cancelling your scribd account, and how he thought he'd cancelled but hadn't truly finished the long process - probably worth reading if you're thinking of cancelling.) |
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I'll stay with Scribd as long as it still has audio books I want to listen to. KU is mostly indie authors, so it is not worth the money, to me. If they had Scribd's selection, I'd have a membership. In anticipation of the decline, I've decided to renew my Brooklyn library card, which expired last month. |
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Yeah Ellen Contep has been slowly decreasing for a while especially those that cross lines with erotica. My sister canceled her membership at the beginning of February because of this and she's mostly been reading contemporary erotica but had read most of what they currently have. But it really hadn't progressed into historical and paranormal yet. I mean stuff would come and stuff would go a couple books off my "library" might expire ever two months or so. However last month I lost 10% of the books saved in my library because they expired, and today when I went in another 25% -30% are set to expire next month. I have mostly paranormal romance, historical romance, and Christian romance. All of the Christian romances I had on my list are gone or will expire, all the historical I have on my list is all in audio and there are very few left the non audio ones expired. However what they have been adding in the parasection lately I've already read, and what's left on my library of ebooks are all available to order on here. What they have been doing this month and last month looks like a serious culling, and it's all going to depend on what they add back if I'm going to stay or not. I might keep it for the audio because they do add quite a bit of stuff I like to listen to on there, a lot of newer stuff too. However I get Hoopla for free from my library and they have tons of stuff available to listen too and I don't have to pay for it so it really is going to depend on what happens in the next few months if I go or not. They should not be decreasing sections of books because those readers read more, it just shouldn't happen. They should increase the fee, or go to a sliding scale based on how much you read instead of the unlimited. "(btw, one of his latest posts comments cancelling your scribd account, and how he thought he'd cancelled but hadn't truly finished the long process - probably worth reading if you're thinking of cancelling.)" I can confirm this is true. Its not really hard to cancel your account it can be done from the account page. My sister though had a problem with this where when you click on cancel account, it asks you some questions about caneling on a couple different pages, and then you get to a page where you have to scroll all the way to the bottom and the text is pretty small and hit cancel then. My sister got charged an extra month because she didn't make it to the bottom or page 4 she was so pissed! |
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Sorry to say that with the changes made to the Audio books on Scribd, I cancelled my account. Makes me sad! I listened to so many good books, finished so many series I would otherwise never have gotten to!. Had no problems following the steps to cancel the account. And I let them know why I was cancelling! |
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By the way Tune In Audo now has a premium subscription feature, where you can stream unlimited audio books for $8 a month. Yes you have to be connected and stream, and they don't have a big selection. You can get a thirty day free trial. I did listen to two books that way, but already cancelled. I'm not in Kindle Unlimited either. Scribd WAS the best for a long time! Such a bummer. |
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Thanks for the update! However it appears to me that Audible is the only stable service around. I bit the bullet and paid for the annual subscription where I could use my 12 credits anytime I want, not just one a month. I really need the service from May through October when I'm outside walking a lot of miles. It's been a big help to finish up a series I started with Overdrive but then had to go to Audible to get the rest. |
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I am considering the 2x a month Audible subscription.I could get the credits a little cheaper that way, and put the account on hold 3 months at a time. If they let people do three months on, three months off, that might work for me. |
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Well If you didn't bail on scribd you because of the audio debacle you may want to now! This is the email I got the other day:
So that means that you will get to read only 3 best sellers a month! If they get better book in fine but I'm only giving them two months before I give up on them. Curtailing my audio was one thing especially since I've been using HooplaDigital that my library supplies for the majority of my audio but seriously curtailing my ebooks is a whole other story. Since there quality went to the can last year I think they have screwed up. I personally think they should have split it up like netflix did, where you could choose an audio plan, an ebook plan, or both and up pay for both. I would have paid more. However I will not purchase credits for audio or ebooks from a sevice I don't expect to be there longer if they keep it up. Audible sure I'll purchase there, amazon seems to have cememted itself, but I just can't put faith in scribd anymore!
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