This book is so freaking insane. I cannot even quantify how goofy this book is, and yet it takes itself so seriously that you get sucked in. There's lots of science to back up implausible events, coincidences that sound reasonable until you think about them, and a level of self-insertion never before seen in mainstream publication. Yet taking all this and the blatant sexism into account, this book is oddly charming! I didn't like that I liked it. Make of that what you will.
This is just one of a series written by Clive Cussler and I have always found them to be very intertaining and have read the entire series. Always hoping for another to be added to the series.
I read the book AFTER I watched the movie. I liked the movie, and I still like the movie, but the book is deffinitely better. The only down-side is the book can run a bit slow sometimes. Long discriptions about random events (like the president finally decides to act... it took an entire chapter to get that point across) but I still really liked the book.
Don't be scared to give it a try if you worry it will ruin the movie. You'll find it actually enhances it, and you will enjoy both just fine.
Don't be scared to give it a try if you worry it will ruin the movie. You'll find it actually enhances it, and you will enjoy both just fine.