Helpful Score: 2
this is a must read book loved it
Paul D. reviewed Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids on + 4 more book reviews
A great book. So much detail and reads so well. a must have for conspiracy theorists!

Ever since I stopped eating broccoli, this stuff seems to make more sense.
Alice B. reviewed Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids on + 3634 more book reviews
This is a great book.I trust nothing our government says because they lie so much. I am a patriotic American and a 100% disabled Military veteran. Yet to me REality is Reality. It may be true that there are other books out there by William Bramley, David Icke, and others that cover some of the same material that Mr. Marrs covers in this book but that isn't the whole story. Anyone that writes that you should save your money on this one has to make you think. I mean, I bought this book just because of the negative reviews I read to see if I would agree. After finishing the entire book I have to say this is a must read for the entire population of America. It seems to me that anyone saying it is just another boogie man story is either in denial or is following an agenda to keep this secret. It is a book of the facts that are out there for anyone to see. On some issues I simply couldn't believe the information I read so I searched out and found the book "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins at my local library to confirm this authors claims. Several more times I found information I simply could not bring myself to believe and each time I found that Mr. Marrs is correct. There is no gray area here. Its black and white. Yes, Mr. Marrs quotes some of the more controversial authors, and yes, he shares his own views at times, but for the most part the entire book is a book of objective information interpreted just the way I would interpret it myself had I been the one who researched it. If you are the type that just can't let go of your own little paradigm of the Universe don't buy this book. It will shake you up. I have read books like this before but this is the best of the best to come out on this topic that I've seen.