Helpful Score: 9
I couldn't stick with it past the first few chapters. It wasn't the subject matter as much as it was the writing style. The detail with which Bolton recounted every conversation he had in the White House or outside it for that matter was mind-numbing. How in the world could he remember every single sentence of every conversation? If he recorded then transcribed that could explain the level of detail in the book but I don't recall his saying he recorded anything. I think a pared-down version of his tenure as National Security Advisor would have been more engaging albeit making for a smaller book. By contrast, Jonathan Karl's book Front Row At the Trump Show was a good read cover to cover. Interesting, quick moving, very readable to an average American just trying to keep up. Bolton's book is a worthwhile read for someone deeply interested in the political scene, someone willing to ingest every thought going through the minds of career politicians. I'm not that person.

Helpful Score: 2
I always give a book a chance. I read the first 100 pages and said "That's enough!" The book just reaffirmed what I already thought about the 45th. Too bad the "axis of adults" did not keep him in check.