Miss Jance knows her characters especially the ones that she's featured in 20+ previous novels. Her novella, Ring in the Dead, tells the story of the early days of her protagonist J.P. Beaumont's police career. How does she manage to include the entire story in 75 pages? For starters no subplots. Secondly, no red herrings. Most importantly, crisp and concise storytelling.
I wouldn't have gotten into the series if every book was like this. BUT, when dealing with familiar characters, it's sometimes nice get a condensed helping as a treat.
RATING: A very solid 4 stars for a very nice effort.
I wouldn't have gotten into the series if every book was like this. BUT, when dealing with familiar characters, it's sometimes nice get a condensed helping as a treat.
RATING: A very solid 4 stars for a very nice effort.