Revival House Author:S.S. Michaels Ghoulish Savannah funeral parlor heir Caleb Exley lusts after the untouchable art student Scarlet, who dreams of blowing town and heading to Hollywood. Caleb and his best friend, Grainger Mercer IV, liven up the dying Exley & Sons funeral business with a touch of modern day memento mori. But Scarlet remains dead-set on leaving until Avery, Caleb... more »?s old friend from a prestigious medical research center, comes to town and catches her eye. Avery barely notices her, he?s got bigger and more important plans. When Caleb's passion escapes his control and causes a horrific accident, Avery steps in and resurrects the business of dying.
?If you enjoy the muscular prose of Chuck Palahniuk half as much as I do, you?re gonna love S.S. Michaels' Revival House. The humor is sly, the terror palpable, and while the story is dark and bizarre, it?s also meaningful in a way that eludes lesser scribes of the strange. Michaels is a revelation, a breath of fresh air, and Revival House is a winner!?
--Peter Giglio, author of Sunfall Manor and co-author of The Dark
S.S. Michaels delivers a powerful and engaging story from start to finish. I really enjoyed the characters and the creepiness I felt as I read through this. A psychological thriller that keeps you immersed and wondering until the very end. A must read book from a rising star in the genre. Two bony thumbs up, and a special ringing of the Jester bell for S.S. Michaels
--Charles Day Chief Editor, Evil Jester Press and author of The Legend of the Pumpkin Thief« less