Dystopian/futuristic teen fiction by Jenna Black. Each of the United States has been purchased by a corporation. The State formerly known as New York is owned by Paxco Corp. Paxco corporation makes millions of dollars with their exclusive technology of making human replicas - that are only available to those who can afford it. Sixteen year old Nadia Lake is engaged to marry the Chairman Heir of Paxco, her best friend Nate Haynes. Nate is a playboy, and much more interested in fun and rebellion than he is in his future. Nadia has no illusions about her future marriage.
Then, Nate is murdered, and Nadia was the last person to see him alive. Nadia and the New Nate - a replica try to find out who murdered the Original Nate. I sort of had it figured out before the big reveal, but this is still a good story.
After beginning to read the book, I actually had to check to make sure it was a teen fiction book. The story contains some racy elements, a gay main character, an entertainment club where most anything is available to buy, some violence. A pretty good read. There is a compelling cliffhanger, suggesting that there will be a sequel. I would read it.
Then, Nate is murdered, and Nadia was the last person to see him alive. Nadia and the New Nate - a replica try to find out who murdered the Original Nate. I sort of had it figured out before the big reveal, but this is still a good story.
After beginning to read the book, I actually had to check to make sure it was a teen fiction book. The story contains some racy elements, a gay main character, an entertainment club where most anything is available to buy, some violence. A pretty good read. There is a compelling cliffhanger, suggesting that there will be a sequel. I would read it.