Reflections on Men and Ideas Author:Giorgio De Santillana Contents: "Man Without Letters." Newton, the Enigma. Paolo Toscanelli and His Friends. Alessandro Volta. Galileo Today. Necessity, Contingency, and Natural Law. Prologue to Parmenides. Galileo and Oppenheimer. The Role of Art in the Scientific Renaissance. The Italian Novel Today?A Note on Realism. The Seventeenth-Century Legacy: Our Mirr... more »or of Being. Philolaos in Limbo, Or: What Happened to the Pythagoreans? Paralipomena of the Future. Vico and Descartes. Eudodux and Plato: A Study in Chronology. "Scientific Rationalism." Einstein (pour le décennal de sa mort). Les Grandes Doctrines Cosmologiques. De Bruno à Leibnitz. Postface à Galilée; Les Suites de l'Affaire. La Storia da Riscrivere. Fato Antico?Fato Moderno. Salvemini. Il Rovescio della Medaglia.« less