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Topic: I need a recommendation for someone who loved "First Mt. Man" and "Last Mt.

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Subject: I need a recommendation for someone who loved "First Mt. Man" and "Last Mt.
Date Posted: 12/10/2008 9:33 AM ET
Member Since: 2/13/2007
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My husband recently started reading westerns and just loved the "First Mountain Man" and "Last Mountain Man" series by William Johnstone, but hasn't cared for his other series. Now he is looking for another author. Can anyone recommend other books or series that would be along the same lines as the two series he loves? Thanks for any and all help given!

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Date Posted: 12/11/2008 10:18 PM ET
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I've read at least one book in all of Johnstone's Series.  If he likes Mountain Man I can't beleive he doesn't like "The Last Gunfighter" or 'Eagles" Series.  They're all very similar, some books are better than others.  I had a hard time finishing the last "Last Gunfighter" book, but couldn't put the previous one down.

If your looking for other western author's you might as well start with the best of them all: Louis L'Amour.  I was started with The Sackett Series.  It chronicals The Sackett Family as they imigrate from Wales to the US. The first book is Sackett's Land.


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Date Posted: 12/16/2008 6:06 AM ET
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My favorite western author is Clair Huffaker.  Try to find your hubby a copy of The Cowboy and the Cossack, his best book, in my opinion.   I think he will really enjoy it----and you will too!

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Date Posted: 9/28/2009 3:53 PM ET
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My hubby just started reading also and really enjoys the Ralph Compton Trail Series books.. starts with the Goodnight Trail, The Western Trail, THe Chisholm Trail, etc. ; Terry C. Johnston Plainsmen Series, Ralph Cotton Ranger series.. if you go on www. and put in authors name it will give you all the books they have written and the series books in order.. which is really nice. When I start a series I like to start with book #1 and work my way thru the entire series if possible.. hope this helps
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Subject: westerns
Date Posted: 9/5/2010 11:16 PM ET
Member Since: 9/5/2009
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Hi Sally, has your husband found western authors he's liking? I have nearly 200 westerns (quite q few full series). They are my fathers & I do not have them listed. But I am a member of PBS and I'm trying to find ANYONE interested in his books. Let me know your thoughts on this.

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Subject: westerns
Date Posted: 9/5/2010 11:48 PM ET
Member Since: 9/5/2009
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Sally, if u think we may be able to work together on is my email . I am new to this forum discussions, but I think email may be a bit faster way to go.
