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Book List - Reading for the Soul

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List created by Stanley N. (pastorstan) on Mar 22, 2011
List Votes: 2 Books: 8 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 1 List Type: Open
Stanley N. (pastorstan)
The Four Loves by C. S. Lewis
A candid, wise, and warmly personal book in which Lewis explores the possibilities and problems of the four basic kinds of human love- affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God. “Immensely worthwhile for its simplicity...a rare and memorable book” (Sydney J. Harris).

Book Votes: 1
Stanley N. (pastorstan)
Answering God: The Psalms as Tools for Prayer by Eugene H. Peterson
Eugene H. Peterson speaks to Christians who realize the necessity for prayer and yearn for it but who find their prayer unconvincing and unsatisfying. Addressing the causes of this dissatisfaction, Answering God offers guidelines for using the Psalms as dynamic tools for prayer.

Book Votes: 1
Stanley N. (pastorstan)
The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer
During a train trip from Chicago to Texas in the late 1940s, A. W. Tozer began to write The Pursuit of God. He wrote all night, and when the train arrived at his destination, the rough draft was done.

Book Votes: 1
Stanley N. (pastorstan)
Confessions (The World's Classics) by Saint Augustine & Henry Chadwick (Translato...
In his own day the dominant personality of the Western Church, Augustine of Hippo today stands as perhaps the greatest thinker of Christian antiquity, and his Confessions is one of the great works of Western literature. In this intensely personal narrative, Augustine relates his rare ascent from...  more

Book Votes: 0
Stanley N. (pastorstan)
The Practice of the Presence of God: With Spiritual Maxims by Brother Lawrence
Newly updated in today's language, Brother Lawrence's The Practice of the Presence of God speaks more powerfully than ever. Those who long to exprerience God in the midst of busy lives will be encouraged and inspired by this simple vision of the irresistable joy of living in the presence of...  more

Book Votes: 0
Stanley N. (pastorstan)
In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership by Henri J. Nouwen
Henri Nouwen was a spiritual thinker with an unusual capacity to write about the life of Jesus and the love of God in ways that have inspired countless people to trust life more fully. Most widely read among the over 40 books Father Nouwen wrote is In the Name of Jesus. For a society that...  more

Book Votes: 0
Stanley N. (pastorstan)
The Imitation of Christ: The Inspirational Teachings of Thomas A. Kempis (Sacred Wisd...
The saintly Thomas à Kempis? classic guide to the spiritual and religious life. Written in the 1400s, and originally addressed to monks, this much-loved and revered book is second only to the Bible for devout Christians. Transcending all sectarian divisions, it emphasizes the importance of...  more

Book Votes: 0
Stanley N. (pastorstan)
Bible and Mission: Christian Witness in a Postmodern World by Richard Bauckham
No description available.

Book Votes: 0

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Comment added 4/20/11 by Stanley N. (pastorstan):
Thoughts and insights from those who walked closely with Christ and carefully wrote about their experiences.