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Topic: Random thoughts thread to fill out time until discussions start again

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Subject: Random thoughts thread to fill out time until discussions start again
Date Posted: 1/11/2013 1:16 PM ET
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Happy New Year!

My husband had not seen the Gangnam style video so I pulled it up on youtube for him yesterday.  Can you say one hit wonder?  So reminds me of the Macarena.

Work is sooooo busy, lots of people sick.  Wash your hands and stay well, everyone.

Finally getting some rain today, it has been a warm winter so far, no snow yet.

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Date Posted: 1/11/2013 1:21 PM ET
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My old man dog, Rapper, discovered the wonders of a heated blanket last night. I got an electric throw for my legs because it's seriously like being exposed to the elements sitting at my desk, it's the coldest place in the house. Anyhow it wasn't cold last night so I tossed the blanket on the couch and turned it on and he sat there for about thirty minutes until, I suppose, he got too hot.

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Barb S. (okbye) - ,
Date Posted: 1/11/2013 1:35 PM ET
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I've got a bit of a cold but it's not bad so far. I'm downing acerola and that works pretty well to keep the worst of it at bay. It's supposed to be super cold this weekend, below freezing. We don't get that cold often and I am so not used to it. I have both an electric mattress pad and blanket on my bed and plenty of sweats. It's hibernation time! My dog sleeps under the covers every night, he doesn't have much hair. In fact he usually goes to bed before I do and sleeps later.

How could he have avoided it Carole? It's been omnipresent. I love it though, so catchy. The guy is a star in Korea, this is his 9th album there. So not exactly a one hit wonder, we're just not his target audience.

Last Edited on: 1/11/13 1:36 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 1/11/2013 2:29 PM ET
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Jack had heard of Gangnum Style but hadn't actually watched the video, he refused at first actually.

craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 1/11/2013 4:47 PM ET
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My husband spends all his time working, or on airplanes, or piddling around his cars.  He works in TV though, so how he avoided seeing this video was beyond me.  Didn't know it was his 9th album.  I just saw a sound bite of an interview where he said he wasn't going to do any more appearances for that song after New Years because he didn't want to be a one hit wonder (or words to that effect).

Does Talbot like the heated blanket too?

Funny how it is so cold in AZ, yet above normal here in the mountains.  We should have had at least two snowfalls by now.  Last winter it didn't snow at all, very unusual and bad for the rivers and streams and water table (for those of us with well water).

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Date Posted: 1/11/2013 4:57 PM ET
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Talbot didn't try the heated blanket out, he doesn't tend to get too far away from me when he's sleeping. I put his basket right next to my computer chair so he'd stop sleeping on the cold floor just to be next to me.

Was he purposely avoiding Gangnum or just oblivious to it?

Last Edited on: 1/11/13 5:03 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
okbye avatar
Barb S. (okbye) - ,
Date Posted: 1/11/2013 5:48 PM ET
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I saw Psy on a couple British talk shows. They don't have as many and they tend to be a little more fun and interactive. They're usually once a week shows so they put out more effort. He said that he has a song with a dance for it on all his albums and he and his coreographer were hard pressed this time to come up with something. Somehow they came up with what he called the "dumb" horse riding move. Just goes to show people love dumb, lol. The light haired girl in the video is apparently famous too, I forgot her name but there's a version where she sings. Ugh. Sounds like someone squeezing a particularly squeeky kitten. It's on youtube.

craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 1/12/2013 8:16 AM ET
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He had seen snippets of Psy here and there, but had never seen the video.

Foggy this morning, and I am hoping for more rain.  I want to do some quilting this morning, then football at 4!!

Showtime, The Movie Channel, HBO and Cinemax are all having a free weekend this weekend.  I am recording The Help, and The Kings Speech to watch later.

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Barb S. (okbye) - ,
Date Posted: 1/12/2013 1:24 PM ET
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I have a cold :( Better than the flu but my nose is sore from blowing.

So far it seems ok outside but they were saying it was supposed to be super cold this weekend, below freezing, which doesn't happen here often.

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Date Posted: 1/12/2013 1:48 PM ET
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You can totally have all our rain, I've got a dog who refuses to poop on leash and can't stay out in the yard since it's currently underwater and she's got spay stitches.

craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 1/13/2013 11:45 AM ET
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Working on a quilt today, ordering cookbooks from PBS, and looking forward to an afternoon of football games.

I need to lose the six pounds I gained over the holiday.

Last Edited on: 1/13/13 11:45 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
debontheweb avatar
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Date Posted: 1/13/2013 3:21 PM ET
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Thought I'd check back in here. I think I'll just be chatting with you gals.  In the past few months I've read entirely for fun, not givinga thought to what I am reading and I've enjoyed it so much. 

The holidays were nice, though busy.  My son was home from college for 10 days.   He bought me a couple booksforChristmas.....ones I picked out so  I knew I'd like them.  My daughter is living home here now so it was a just like the old days......they bickered like they did when they were kids.

Sadly my MIL has been placed in hospice since then.  She is 94 and had some GI problems and has stopped eating.  

I have a rachael ray cook book........... not the one you listed, andI do need to loose a few pounds that I put on in the form of fudge over the holidays, but I'll pull it out and look it over.

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Barb S. (okbye) - ,
Date Posted: 1/13/2013 7:21 PM ET
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I've gotten rid of my holiday pounds, now back on to the regular pounds! I took a break from the diet for any family occasions and for the fudge and cookies I made. Time to get back to the grind. I have a bunch of tomatoes roasting to make a low cal sauce for spaghetti and I'm eating beets for lunch. Or dinner I guess, it got to be late when I wasn't looking.

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Date Posted: 1/14/2013 4:12 PM ET
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So yesterday morning we had the AC on, yesterday evening we had the heat on and today it's freezing raining out there. Climate change schmimate change.

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Date Posted: 1/14/2013 6:51 PM ET
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Thought I was going to do good this week with lowering my carb count, but lunch was brought in today at the office - yep, lasagne.  And I ate my share!

Chris, how's your little doggy with the stitches doing?

Last Edited on: 1/14/13 6:52 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 1/14/2013 7:03 PM ET
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You mean my big doggy with stitches? Sweetie is at sixty pounds these days lol. She is doing well but she's mad at me. I've got all three dogs cooped up with me in my bedroom because no one pooped on our short walk through the sleet today. They wont poop in here so in here we stay till the next five minute potty break in the sleet and freezing rain.
craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 1/14/2013 9:01 PM ET
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Oh, mercy.  I cannot imagine being cooped up with three dogs that won't do their business on a short walk.  I thought Sweetie was a little puppy, but she is big!  My little psychodog doesn't like to go out in the rain either, but if I feed her first, nature becomes insistent.  She is only 13 pounds though!

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Date Posted: 1/14/2013 9:13 PM ET
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They are all on the bed right now. I'm down for the count by Jack took them out for me. Bless his impatient black little heart he didn't kill them. You wont find many small dogs stray out here.
keepmelaffn avatar
Date Posted: 1/29/2013 7:27 PM ET
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Hi All!

I've had a conversation with Deb who usually leads the cozy mystery discussions here.  She's unable to lead a group at this time nor in the near future.  She suggested that I might consider leading one.  I recently posted a thread in the Mystery/Thriller forum inquiring as to who may want to be involved in a cozy mystery discussion and listed a few books that I thought might be good to read as a group.

If anyone is interested...please pop over to that forum and check out my thread.

Thanks a bunch!
