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Topic: RT CONVENTION 2017-IM BACK!!!!!!!!

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sweetietwit avatar
Subject: RT CONVENTION 2017-IM BACK!!!!!!!!
Date Posted: 3/17/2017 11:16 AM ET
Member Since: 6/7/2007
Posts: 996
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Hello there, I didn't think i was going to make it to this year's book convention.  But i am happy to say that i found a helper and will be able to go.  Is their anyone else going to the RT CONVENTION this year, it going to be in ATLANTA GA.  That's right Y'ALL.  I am about to become a GEORGIA PEACH.  

As you know i love to share some of the fun swag that i get from the convention.  Sooooo its time for another one of my contest.  The first person who PM me a yummy peach cobbler recipe will win a box of swag and books from the convention.  




Last Edited on: 5/15/17 11:56 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
sweetietwit avatar
Date Posted: 3/20/2017 10:57 AM ET
Member Since: 6/7/2007
Posts: 996
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I HAVE A WINNER. CYNTHIA D. (CYND). Is the only one that played so no runner ups:(  I hope this will be a great convention and alot of fun.  And that cynthia will enjoy her prize.

sweetietwit avatar
Date Posted: 5/15/2017 12:29 PM ET
Member Since: 6/7/2007
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Hello everyone I'm back from the convention.  I have to say Atlanta was a lot of fun:)  I now feel I am a true southern belle.  And to prove it i now have a blinged out bonnet, two cowboy hats, a crown, and a magical wand.  What more does a girl need?  I met a lot of new authors I can't wait to read.  And i got to meet some amazing legends that i was able to drool all over.  I think this was a great convention with a ton of stuff to see and do. While at the convention I did not get to try peach cobbler.  I did get to eat some very yummy peach tarts.  I love meeting up with old friends and meeting new one were a delight.  Its hard to describe a convention correctly I try and come up short every time. The convention last all day and if you let it you might forget to eat.  There are lots of different kind of events from games to meet and greets to parties. There is alot of different actives going on at one time so its hard to choose which one to go to.  I think for a romance book lover going to one convention is a MUST.

And I have not forgotten my winner.  I just have not had the chance to go through my things and mail off a fun box.  Don't worry this week though.

I am sad and very angry to say that the post office stole all the books out of one box.  I feel that if they can inspect your box and cut it all open it is their duty to secure your books.  It is also not lost on me that the books that came up missing are all trade size.  This has happen to other friends and yet the post office will do nothing about it.  They just turn a blind eye to the problem.






cynd avatar
Date Posted: 5/20/2017 8:18 PM ET
Member Since: 4/4/2010
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A HUGE thank you to Kadesia for the swag box!   WOW WOW WOW!  That box was packed and just kept giving and giving.  I am amazed at all the great goodies you were able to get in it.  Since I live in the Atlanta area I am so glad you enjoyed the convention and your visit to our city.  Peach tarts are really good!  THANKS again!!