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Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 11:45 AM ET
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I'm starting this thread after Theresa discovered one Heather F. started for the blue team.  We thought it was a great ideal (thanks Heather and Blue team for the ideal, wish we'd discovered it sooner)

Red team members, "watch" the thread and we can use it for discussions between us.   I know teams will be merged soon but we can use this until that point.  We've been pming each other but not able to "reply to all".   Here's the solution, we can talk here and share our progress and encourage each other.

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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 11:51 AM ET
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Lisa G. (garrity) (3-7)

Lynn P. (Bama-Booklover) (2-8)

Elizabeth R. (esjro) (2-4)

Eden J. (sunnygirl09)  (DNA)- Juror Week 3

Heather M. (icantswim) (1-2)  Juror Week 4

Amy N. (nanaamy)- Juror Week 2

Theresa P. (TP) (5-10)

Last Edited on: 5/25/15 4:55 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 11:53 AM ET
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Week Four Categories

Most books read (dead tree)

Most books read (Ebook)

Most Romance/Erotica books

Most new-to -you authors

Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 11:53 AM ET
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Week Five Categories

4 Longest book
7 Most total pages (by week)
11 Most Sci-fi/fantasy books
12 Most Mystery books



Last Edited on: 5/25/15 9:57 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 12:00 PM ET
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I've submitted 14 books so far for this week but have 2 more to finish for a total of  11 dead trees and 5 ebooks...........11 romance, 11 new authors

Hope 11 is a lucky number..........

Last Edited on: 5/23/15 12:00 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 12:01 PM ET
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Holding for now

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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 12:48 PM ET
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I'm getting tired of having to read according to categories.  But I'll admit that on Saturday after I finish the last book for the week, I'll grab a book that doesn't fit any categories (usually it's before the next week's categories are available).  That's my secret vice!  lol  


Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 1:41 PM ET
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Me too, Theresa.  When I finish these two books, if I start another book before the categories are announced, it'll be pot luck what I choose.  Not that I have a lot to choose from.  My dead book TBR is down to 24 books.  I do have one more in the mail to me.  I'm thinking maybe not knowing the possible categories would've been better.  Guess you should be careful what you wish for, sigh...angel

Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 2:49 PM ET
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Go Blue Team! No, Seriously who ratted us out....LOL I had to go off the catagories this week mostly because I have to review Night of the Demon Slayer by Angie Fox before June 7th cbut preferably before the end of next week, and I still had the last two in the series to read. So I had to put this ahead of the challenge. If it's not ebooks this week I'm probably not gonna be a big help to my team! And life bit me in the ass this week with crap to do so I'm not looking forward to checkin!

Last Edited on: 5/23/15 2:49 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
icantswim avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 5:38 PM ET
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Here I am! I fear this might be might week out. I'll likely only have two, maybe three, books to post. Boo, but I actually lasted in the game much longer than I thought I would. I just haven't been able to keep the momentum this week.

Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 8:00 PM ET
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Heather M, I can understand, somedays I start feeling I just don't want to read.....I think we're all going to be burned out before this challenge is over..........

I've completed all the books I will for this week.  I have a couple others out if I feel the need to read a little tonight but I think I'm going to rest the eyes and the brain...........

Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 10:01 PM ET
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I read half of another book but won't have it finished by the deadline......or will I?  10:00 pm Sat night is our deadline?

esjro avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 10:23 PM ET
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I thought it was noon, but she wouldn't be tabulating the results til later tonight.

I have about 10 pages left on a book.  I don't know if I should hold off in recording it until week 5.

Edited to say I found Tami's post:

Okay, what is the latest time to submit our books for week 4?   

I'd like to keep it at noon, just for consistency. But honestly? I'm going to be afk until probably 10 or 11pm that night, so as long as you have it all in by then, you're good.

So I guess I will go finish that book now!

Last Edited on: 5/23/15 10:25 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 10:30 PM ET
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Finished mine!  Going to submit it now......only counts for a dead tree.......

17th book submitted; I think I'll go to bed now........I took the only three nonwishlisted books on my TBR to read next; read one this evening.  Since it was a quick read I was able to finish it to my surprise.......I'm kind of hoping for a category of mysteries for week five, my TBR is dominated by cozy TBR of now 23 books!

Last Edited on: 5/23/15 10:43 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
icantswim avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2015 11:56 PM ET
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Oh, I thought that meant to have it all in by noon tomorrow, Sunday. I just submitted my two for this week. Maybe all of Lynn's books will save our team and we won't lose anyone.

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Date Posted: 5/24/2015 9:17 AM ET
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Still no categories for week 5?  For my next book, I guess that means that I will be able to read ANY book I want to.  What a concept!  

I'm hoping that this week that the following categories aren't there:  new authors, first in series, romances....   


Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/24/2015 10:32 AM ET
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Exactly the categories I hope to avoid........

Now to get laundry done before I start reading.

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Date Posted: 5/24/2015 5:27 PM ET
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I sent Jenna a PM asking her if she could post the categories.  I'm already on to my 3rd book for this week and I'm sure since they're mysteries that I'm not meeting any criteria.  


Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/24/2015 7:51 PM ET
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Way to go Theresa!  I'm reading two books but haven't finished any........they're mysteries also......LOL   Hoping for the mystery category!!  Could we bribe Jenna?

esjro avatar
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Date Posted: 5/24/2015 7:54 PM ET
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Funny, I am reading a mystery too.

Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2015 9:59 AM ET
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Categories are posted; 

4 Longest book
7 Most total pages (by week)
11 Most Sci-fi/fantasy books
12 Most Mystery books

Yeah for mysteries!   Longest book I have is a romance, go figure!  and I might have one mystery that I can slide into the scifi category.  We need immunity.    I'll do my best.



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Date Posted: 5/25/2015 10:23 AM ET
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Yay for Mystery and SciFi.  The books I've read so far this week have been mysteries so that's great news.  After my next one, I'll switch to SciFi and be all set for the week.   


Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2015 11:41 AM ET
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I found a mystery (paranormal mystery) that's longer than that romance; so I've put the romance aside.  Yeah!

icantswim avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2015 12:41 PM ET
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Bye Red Team! This challenge has been a ton of fun smiley I've never read as many books in a week as I did for this game. It's impressive for me to know that I can when I really set my mind to it.

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Date Posted: 5/25/2015 1:02 PM ET
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Oh no!  Ebooks!  Does that mean that romance could come up again?  What a bummer!

Heather - And so sorry to lose you from the team!  

