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Topic: Q for Non-Christians?

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ThreeCats avatar
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Date Posted: 5/20/2008 6:09 PM ET
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Here's a .pdf of what may be the survey results Christy was talking about:

and another pdf with some background:


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Flobee -
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Date Posted: 5/20/2008 6:34 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 6/17/08 8:00 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
sweetnessandsass avatar
Date Posted: 5/20/2008 7:37 PM ET
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From JCAHO website. I should know about these, I've been doing them for 5 years in the building where I work.

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 5/21/2008 12:52 PM ET
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Thanks for the links, Les.  That makes a lot more sense.  It's not just a matter of people wanting "spiritual" support.  In part:

"The hospital staff’s ability to address patients’ emotional
and spiritual needs factors in to patients’ perceptions
of the overall experience of care, the provider, and
the organization. For example, as Shelton observed:
Patients need to feel that their circumstances and feelings
are appreciated and understood by the health care
team member without criticism or judgment. . . . If
patients feel that the attention they receive is genuinely
caring and tailored to meet their needs, it is far more
likely that they will develop trust and confidence in the
organization.”12(p. 63)


"The results from the literature and the survey confirm
that most patients experience some form of emotional
distress or negative emotions and that hospitals do not
wholly address these emotional and spiritual needs. A
straightforward interpretation of these results depicts an
emotionally and spiritually satisfying in-patient experience,
as follows:
■ Patients’ and/or families’ needs are handled in a timely,
considerate, and empathetic way
■ All tests, interventions, and treatments are explained
in an emotionally sensitive and supportive decisionmaking
■ Staff demonstrably provide empathetic emotional



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Date Posted: 5/21/2008 2:17 PM ET
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That sounds reasonable.

Last Edited on: 5/21/08 8:40 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 6/1/2008 7:29 PM ET
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I personally don't want your attention on me.  I'd rather have it on making sure the poor had food, and that children were not abused, and that our leaders had integrity and our best collective interests in mind.

You assume that I don't believe in YOUR "God."  I don't know who your God is - I might already believe in him or her.  I'm not ever going to WORSHIP a god that says to kill every man, woman, or child in a villiage.  I'm not ever going to WORSHIP a god that admits to being vengeful and jealous.  I know such gods exist, but I'm not going to worship them.   You can forget that. 

yolen avatar
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Date Posted: 6/5/2008 3:16 AM ET
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I would think there should be better things to pray about than me believing the same things that you do.  I wouldn't find it offensive, just ridiculous.

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Date Posted: 6/17/2008 12:18 AM ET
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Satanist don't believe at all like that.  That scenerio doesn't even make sense to me.

I don't know what those people WERE, but they were not normal Anton LeVey Satanists, or Church of Set, or any of those. 

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Date Posted: 7/11/2008 2:30 PM ET
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I think prayer is often as or more important to the one doing the praying than the one who will reep the benefits.  I was thinking about this a few years ago, all the people who hold me in their prayers.  I have a grandma who pays money to have me prayed for from time to time.  I also have many friends who I disagree religiously.  Being openly queer, I know many people pray for me who think a lack of religion is one of my downfalls.  My mom made me see those who do pray for me, do so out of care and a desire for me to have a good life.  Weither or not I agree with their view of life doesn't matter, fact is I have a great life and if anyone's prayers have anything to do with it, I am glad for it, if not the fact so many people care about me is a nice and comforting thought.  As long as people aren't pushy about their religions, I respect that people have the right to believe in what they want.  I sometimes find it hard to accept that praying for me isn't always intended as an insult to my personal beliefs though.

Rayne avatar
Date Posted: 9/12/2010 7:01 PM ET
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This is always a fun set of questions. The only way I talk offence is if I think too much about it. I mean it's like your praying for people to lose their individuality. Here's somethin you've probably not thought about. What if someone grew up believing like you, but somethin just didn't add up? Or what I always think about, what if, I for example, forced you to become a wiccan? It's actually not that big of a jump once you learn about it, but still. You'd be miserable. If you could free your mind of the fact that you're changing what you altering believe you might actually enjoy it but that's not how it works. No one will willingly do what they honestly don't want to do and enjoy it.

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Subject: I think that
Date Posted: 2/21/2012 4:10 PM ET
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God loves us all and what our belief is on this earth does not matter to him. We are here to let God experience all of life including the light and the dark.

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Date Posted: 2/22/2012 4:05 PM ET
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The current 'flap' in the sports news about "Tebow-ing" on the playing field made me think about this thread again.  And one of my thoughts is that sometimes the whole subject of "prayer' can be almost comical.  

I was a reporter in Louisiana, once, and covered some religious event or other in a manner that gratified the local Catholic community.   In particular, one of the nuns in the local convent of discalced Carmelites smiled at me and said she was going to pray for me.   I said thanks, that was very nice of her . . . .

I think that is what we, who live in this religiously pluralistic nation, should do, in social situations involving the cross-currents of diverse faiths.  But it's kinda strange to think about being prayed for by a "bride of Christ" when I am a person who believes "prayer" is essentially "word magic".   

Also, when the subject under discussion is prayer, I think it makes a significant difference whether the prayer is a supplication ("give me _____"), an expression of gratitude  ("thanks"), or an anguished cry . . . 

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Date Posted: 3/5/2012 2:37 AM ET
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I think I am like a lot of the posters here.  If you want to pray for me, fine.  Just don't annoy me with it.  I don't care, don't think it does me any good, and don't really want to even know about. it.   

joshsf avatar
Date Posted: 1/18/2013 5:27 AM ET
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Now my question is this do you find it offensive/rude/demeaning or whatever for me to pray that you will one day believe in my God?

Not from the sound of it... if someone were praying for me to have a particular relationship with God, that looked a particular way according to their opinions of what it should look like... that would not meet my need for respect. But to simply pray along the lines of, may she/he/they realize their own right relationship with God... that's fine. 

Of course, if you're going to spend prayer time on me, I'd rather you pray my health, prosperity, and happiness. See me as strong and joyous. God and I will take care of ourselves. 

Do you pray to your higher power for other people to believe as you do?

Being an agnostic who loves God and the Tao, if I were inclined in that direction it would be to pray for people to let go of belief. But I'm not terribly worried about what other people are believing or not. God's got this. 


msmarsh avatar
Date Posted: 11/24/2013 7:01 PM ET
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I personally do find it offensive that you think I should believe in your G-d.  Why should I?  And why should you care who worships who?  All you should be worried about is your own personal relationship with whoever your G-d is.

I am incredibly happy that I left the Catholicism and joined Judaism. 

I do not feel that the G-d I worshipped as a Christian is anything at all like HaShem.  Most of the Christians I know consider Jesus to be very separate from HaShem and even the G-d provided in the NT is not one I could talk to or with probably because everyone believed you needed to talk to Mary or to Jesus.  HaShem on the other hand listens to me and definitely loves me. 

My best friend is a Druid and while she will accept prayers any religion, it would be best for all involved if she does not find out people pray for her to accept their G-d as she's quite happy talking to hers.

I do not pray for other people to become Jewish as that is not the Jewish way.  I pray for people's health and well-being and for their problems to be solved.  I don't waste my prayer time on anything but important matters.

Last Edited on: 11/24/13 7:03 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 11/26/2013 7:15 PM ET
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Well, Christy, you might find it interesting (or you might find it unsettling) to read about "word magic".  Have you ever looked into The Golden Bough, by Sir James Frazier?  It's about the history of religion, starting 'way back in the days of animism, and roving all around the world, describing various worship practices of various and sundry people.   Have you ever asked yourself what you truly think of the Tibetan practice of setting the prayer wheels spinning as the Tibetan walks past them on the path?   I mean, the WORTH of such 'automatic' prayers?

A couple of days ago, I said to a doctor in the ER at a hospital here, "I hope you have a really dull day, today."   And he looked at me brightly and said heartily, "From your mouth to God's ear."   So, was that a prayer?   Mine?   Or his?    Can an agnostic "pray"?

Just a few ideas to toy with, dear.
