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Topic: Punctuation glitches again

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IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Subject: Punctuation glitches again
Date Posted: 3/4/2025 10:23 PM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
Posts: 23,287
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Wrote a reveiw and where ever I used an apostrophe then a comma at end of word, the site replaced it with a 3 digit number and a series of other punctuation. 
Anyone else see this happen?

Similarly, in PMs my  use of a dash or quotes also gets changed into a series of rigamarole. 

Patouie avatar
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Date Posted: 3/27/2025 5:39 PM ET
Member Since: 8/26/2006
Posts: 9,644
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I know Microsoft Word's apostrophes, elipses and quotation marks (the "smart" quotes) are not recognized by the font the site uses, so they will be changed to odd punctuation marks. If you are copying and pasting from somewhere else, it's possible that you are picking up Word's punctuation.

The quotes and apostrophes we call "curly" quotes and "curly" apostrophes. They curve a bit, rather than being perfectly straight. You can tell the elipsis because in is only one character instead of three. In other words, you can delete it by backspacing once.

With all of them, my solution is to backspace all of the odd stuff out (sometimes there is invisible coding that needs to be backspaced out, too) and type in the correct punctuation. When I type something in, rather than pasting, I never have this issue.

I've never had an issue with commas, though.