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The Poverty of Philosophy (Classic Reprint)
The Poverty of Philosophy - Classic Reprint Author:Karl Marx CHAPTER I A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY 1. THE A ..". TITBESIS OF USE VALCE AND EXCHANGE VALUE "THE faculty of all products, 'whether naturisl in the production of wh GE[UJAN; ED1T10~ 23; FOREWORD 25; CIIAI'TF;R 1 A SCIF;:"TlF1C DISCOVERY 28; -1 The Antithesis of Ui"e Value and Exchange Value 2B; 2 Constituled Value Or Synthetic Value :18; :~ Applicati... more »on of the Law or the Prop0l1ionaljty of Va lue 67; : Money 67; H Surplus Value 76; CHA l'TF;R II TTu: ~h:TAPHYSlr:S OF POLIT1CAL Eco:-;o"y B7; 1 The lethod; First Observation; S~cond Observation; Third OIJser'3tion ; Fourth ObserYation; Fiflh Obsen·~tion; Sixth Observation; Seventh and Last Ob:,ervalioll; 2 Division of Labou!" and :bchiner~; :1 Competition and J1onopoly; ·1 Property or Hent; 5 Strikes and Combinatio"!1s of Vorkers; 87; 88; 92; 93; 94-; 96; 98; 102; 107; 122; ~; CO~TENTS; ApPENPIX J; liarx« less