Pocketbooks and Pistols by Dorothy Howell is the twelfth A Haley Randolph Mystery novel. Haley Randolph only works part-time at Holt's Department Store so that she can receive an 80% discount at Nouvu, a high-end shop (also owned by the company). Somehow (Haley cannot remember exactly how it happened) she volunteered to run the new hire orientation that day (Haley had no clue the company had an employee handbook). Haley is taking the new hires on a tour of the facility. She is showing them the loading dock, and opens the loading doors (not a good idea). By the dumpster is ex-employee, Asha McLean. Because of the bad publicity, the owners might close this Holt's store. Haley cannot afford to lose her discount especially since she is waiting for her new Mystique bag to arrive at Nouvu. There will only be a limited number of positions open in other Holt's for the employees. In order for Haley to secure one, she needs to win Employee of the Month. Haley looks up the requirements in the employee handbook, and she is shocked. She would have to spend actual time helping customers in order to win this award. Haley decides it would be easier to solve the murder. If the negative publicity evaporates, the store can stay open. Plus, Haley will be lauded for solving the crime. Can Haley find the culprit and keep her job? She really wants the Mystique bag.
I am afraid that I did not to enjoy Pocketbooks and Pistols. I found Haley Randolph to be a vain, superficial, self-centered individual (I did not like her). She has a lousy work ethic (spends most of her time in the break chugging down chocolate). I know it is supposed to be funny, but I was not laughing. Pocketbooks and Pistols can be read as a stand-alone novel (for the most part). I do not understand why she works at Holt's Department Store instead of at Nouvu? Do the employees of Nouvu not get a discount? I wish that had been explained (maybe it was in a previous book). The mystery was simple and easy to solve. I did find that more time was devoted to Haley's Starbucks addiction (as well as her need for chocolate) than to the solving the murder. I lost count of the number of times Starbucks was mentioned in the book (more than 24). The book contained odd sentences. Haley would say this peculiar rambling sentences with hyphens between each word (made no sense). I give Pocketbooks and Pistols 3 out of 5 stars (it is okay, just not my type of book). If you are looking for a light, humorous book with just a hint of a mystery, then you would enjoy Pocketbooks and Pistols.
I am afraid that I did not to enjoy Pocketbooks and Pistols. I found Haley Randolph to be a vain, superficial, self-centered individual (I did not like her). She has a lousy work ethic (spends most of her time in the break chugging down chocolate). I know it is supposed to be funny, but I was not laughing. Pocketbooks and Pistols can be read as a stand-alone novel (for the most part). I do not understand why she works at Holt's Department Store instead of at Nouvu? Do the employees of Nouvu not get a discount? I wish that had been explained (maybe it was in a previous book). The mystery was simple and easy to solve. I did find that more time was devoted to Haley's Starbucks addiction (as well as her need for chocolate) than to the solving the murder. I lost count of the number of times Starbucks was mentioned in the book (more than 24). The book contained odd sentences. Haley would say this peculiar rambling sentences with hyphens between each word (made no sense). I give Pocketbooks and Pistols 3 out of 5 stars (it is okay, just not my type of book). If you are looking for a light, humorous book with just a hint of a mystery, then you would enjoy Pocketbooks and Pistols.

Hayley Randolph lives a double life. In one, she is a stylish event planner for the A-Listers of L. A.
In the second, she is a part-time worker at Holts Department Store. Why the two lives? Hayley is a shopaholic and working at Holts gives her an 80% discount at another corporate store, Nuevo. This store carries all of the latest and greatest, and Hayley gets it 80% off!
While leading a dreaded new employee orientation, Hayley opens the door to show the group the loading dock and they discover a body of a woman in the dumpster. The body turns out to be a former employee, and the news of the murder hits Holts, a family store hard. Not only is Holts in danger of being shut down, but all the smaller shops in the mini mall surrounding Holts relies on them to bring in business, so they will eventually shut down also. Hayley could lose her job at Holts, which she doesn't give a fig about, but that means she would also lose her discount. No way is she going to let that happen! This murder needs to be solved. Now. And she isn't above helping the detectives along the way.
This was the first book I have read in the Hayley Randolph series. I believe it is book 9. I really enjoyed it. Hayley is smart, snarky, and fun. Her love life is such a mess, that even she doesn't know who she is talking about some of the time. I liked her Holt friends better than the BFF that she went shopping with all the time. I am not a label junkie so that part of the story really didn't interest me. I know fashion is her thing, but the story did not get bogged down by it. There was also a plethora of hot guys, which I always enjoy!
I recommend this book to people who like fun cozy mysteries with a touch of humor. Stephanie Plum fans would also get a kick out of this series.
*I voluntarily read an Advanced Readers Copy of this book and gave an honest review *
In the second, she is a part-time worker at Holts Department Store. Why the two lives? Hayley is a shopaholic and working at Holts gives her an 80% discount at another corporate store, Nuevo. This store carries all of the latest and greatest, and Hayley gets it 80% off!
While leading a dreaded new employee orientation, Hayley opens the door to show the group the loading dock and they discover a body of a woman in the dumpster. The body turns out to be a former employee, and the news of the murder hits Holts, a family store hard. Not only is Holts in danger of being shut down, but all the smaller shops in the mini mall surrounding Holts relies on them to bring in business, so they will eventually shut down also. Hayley could lose her job at Holts, which she doesn't give a fig about, but that means she would also lose her discount. No way is she going to let that happen! This murder needs to be solved. Now. And she isn't above helping the detectives along the way.
This was the first book I have read in the Hayley Randolph series. I believe it is book 9. I really enjoyed it. Hayley is smart, snarky, and fun. Her love life is such a mess, that even she doesn't know who she is talking about some of the time. I liked her Holt friends better than the BFF that she went shopping with all the time. I am not a label junkie so that part of the story really didn't interest me. I know fashion is her thing, but the story did not get bogged down by it. There was also a plethora of hot guys, which I always enjoy!
I recommend this book to people who like fun cozy mysteries with a touch of humor. Stephanie Plum fans would also get a kick out of this series.
*I voluntarily read an Advanced Readers Copy of this book and gave an honest review *