Helpful Score: 1
A terrific read!
Who is this man? That's what Maddie Houser wonders as days pass without her meeting the owner of the bed and breakfast where she's staying. Arthur Tyler, though, is leaving heartwarming messages for Maddie, and she feels a growing intimacy with this unseen friend. How can I love a man I've never met? her head demands. But how can she deny her heart, which wants this precious friendship to go deeper? Will she play it smart? Or will she keep playing it by heart?
Who is this man? That's what Maddie Houser wonders as days pass without her meeting the owner of the bed and breakfast where she's staying. Arthur Tyler, though, is leaving heartwarming messages for Maddie, and she feels a growing intimacy with this unseen friend. How can I love a man I've never met? her head demands. But how can she deny her heart, which wants this precious friendship to go deeper? Will she play it smart? Or will she keep playing it by heart?
Helpful Score: 1
A quick novella. I enjoyed it, although the story moved a little too quickly for my taste! Maddie and Art grow on you and the story was cute.
Helpful Score: 1
This is a sweet story about the misconceptions two people make about each other. They have not yet met, but learn to like each other through notes. When they finally, meet the misconceptions are cleared up, and they are both pleasantly surprised.
Excellent read.
Cute love story. Fast read.
How can a woman love a man she's never eeven seen face-to-face? Through many hand written notes, Maggie Houser has formed a dear friendship with this misterious man. But she paniks as the mysterious friendship grows deeper. She does't know him by sight...can she really know him by heart?
This was a great read..