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The Plan of St. Gall (3-Volume Set) (California Studies in the History of Art)
The Plan of St Gall - 3-Volume Set - California Studies in the History of Art Author:Walter William Horn A Study of the Architecture and Economy of and Life in a Paradigmatic Carolingian Monastery — Since 2005, CMRS at UCLA has been the administrative home to the St. Gall project. It is produced in three large volumes. The project's departure point is an extraordinary drawing of an ideal monastery, known as the Plan of St. Gall. Created in the e... more »arly ninth century, the Plan is the oldest surviving visualization of a building complex produced in the Middle Ages, containing ground plans for some forty buildings, ranging from a church, monastic school, abbot's residence, and infirmary, to such mundane elements as a water mill, stables, and poultry houses. « less