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Topic: Pay It Forward

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Subject: Pay It Forward
Date Posted: 12/3/2008 12:39 PM ET
Member Since: 11/20/2008
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I had a very tough childhood.   As a stepchild, I watched my half-sister get 5 to 10 times as many gifts.  When I got my first bike for Christmas, I was 11.  My stepfather added 2"x4" blocks to the pedals so my 5 year old step-sister could ride it.

 At 17, after one final horrible event, I finally went to live with my aunt one Christmas.  (That year, all my wrapped gifts were items I had purchased while working as a temp at a department store. )  My aunt and her family were moving to California that spring.  They took me along.   I got a job and lived with them.  I was sooooo grateful.

That Christmas, I wasn't exactly 'wealthy'  but I bought my aunt a piece of silver that matched the set she was building.  When she opened it, I told her I could never pay her back for what she had done for me.  Her response was, "You don't pay  me back, you pay it to other people as you go along."

That has been my motivation throughout my life, and now, at 75, I still enjoy doing what I can to help others.  Paying it forward has brought many, many blessings to my life.


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Date Posted: 12/3/2008 4:38 PM ET
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It always does Mona - bring many blessings I mean.   I've never paid it forward that I wasn't rewarded doubly!

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Date Posted: 12/18/2008 9:23 PM ET
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There's a momentum that's created when one pays it forward.  Giving creates good feelings for both the giver and the receiver, and encourages more giving.  No downside!  Mona's story was heartwarming.  Despite a difficult existence, she was blessed by a loving aunt who cared enough to give her a home and expect nothing in return.  I am reminded to do the same.

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Subject: Pay it Forward
Date Posted: 9/26/2009 11:54 PM ET
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My husband and I just watched that movie a few nights ago. I had heard about paying it forward and now that I have seen the movie it is a very active idea that I will not forget and that will be passed on. Thanks
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Date Posted: 11/18/2015 12:24 PM ET
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I LOVE doing the surprise "Pay it Forward" in drive -thru's! Starbucks, McDonalds, etc.  It was done to me one day - a particularly yucky day at that but what a smile & turnaround it gave me! =)

Pull up to a window to pay/get your order & give the cashier $5, $10, whatever towards the car behind you's order. If you want, you can always stop ahead under the premise of checking your order & watch. Fun! Fun!  =) 

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Date Posted: 12/22/2019 1:48 AM ET
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