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Topic: had to put this out there

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ischivalrydead avatar
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Subject: had to put this out there
Date Posted: 2/17/2014 10:05 AM ET
Member Since: 11/14/2006
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been struggling with something for a long time. faith in God is hard. I know I'm supposed to trust even though I don't like the outcome, but in this case a "no" from Him would have torn my family apart. so still i'm supposed to trust. i felt terrible not having the faith. finally got his answer, but I had to have a doctor confirm it. she did, but I still have doubts. why? I got teh answer I wanted, but feel so underwhelmed. i don't get it. it was a YES. what the heck is my problem. i wondered one day if that was all a good thing. Satan only attacks the ones he's worried about. so maybe my faith IS stronger than I thing, if the Devil himself is bothering with me. i don't know. but I had to publicly Praise God for the answer.

I don't care if you don't like God. Pleae don't slam my post. This is not intended as a stupid religious fight. just a promise kept.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 5/21/2014 11:44 AM ET
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I am reading Derek Prince's "Secrets of a Prayer Warrior".  It answers every question you asked.  I highly recommend it.  I look at prayer from a whole different angle now. 

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 6/11/2014 10:05 PM ET
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Chiv---  sometimes I wonder if I'm NOT faithful enough because I'm not that challenged with suffering in my life right now.  I have plenty to pray for among family members and church members, but don't feel 'Ole Nick' breathing down my neck so think he must not think I'm much of a threat to his evil goals.

behemoth avatar
Date Posted: 8/22/2014 11:58 PM ET
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Our faith is limited, don't beat yourself up. God is the faithful one in the relationship. Trust Him, not your faith. Invite God to reveal His greatness through word and Spirit. Knowing His infinite all-powerful nature is very important. Enjoy the faithfulness of God and relax.