Operation Time Search Author:Andre Norton Ray Osborne is suddenly thrust from the twentieth century back into time and finds himself caught in a war between two prehistoric nations. Caught up in a government scientific blunder, Ray is catapulted back in time to an earth in which even the geography is much different from today; where no man lives in North America, but the continent... more »s of Mu and Atlantis are the centers of high civilization.
First captured by hunters from Atlantis, he is able to escape their walled city and make his way across the seas to the land of the Good Guys, Mu. There he is welcomed as one of their elite, and joins forces with them against the Atlanteans. The science of this day is as different from ours as are the maps. There are ways of opening gates to other planes, and allowing evil forces through to Earth. Ray informs the ruler of Mu that such is exactly what the Atlanteans intend!« less