This was a very whimsical and nostalgic collection of stories from Bradbury. It was published later in Bradbury's life and this was definitely reflected in the stories which included looks into older people's reminiscences and wishes. I have been a fan of Bradbury ever since reading THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES and THE ILLUSTRATED MAN back in the 70s. Since then I have read several of his other story collections and novels and have always enjoyed them. However, this collection left me a little flat with many of the stories only mediocre at best. There were a few exceptions that I did enjoy including "First Day" about a less than enthusiastic reunion of school chums after 50 years; "The Dragon Danced at Midnight" about a drunken film projectionist who shows a film with the reels out of order and makes it a great movie; and "Heart Transplant" about a man who tells a little white lie to release his lover from an adulterous affair. But overall, I would only mildly recommend this collection to Bradbury completists.
Meagan B. (diabolena) reviewed One More for the Road: A New Story Collection on + 15 more book reviews
Great collection of short stories. They vary from the more Sci-Fi like to more on the fantasy side. I found each story engrossing.