Here is Jim Morrison in allhis complexity-singer, philosopher, poet, delinquent-the brilliant, charismatic and obsessed disciple of darkness who rejected authority in any form. The explorer who probed the bounds of reality to see what would happen. Back of Book
I was shocked to read here about an adult Mr. Morrison exposing himself and propositioning little 8 year old girls on the public bus. Is what this book alleges true? Don't know but I lost all respect for the man. Perhaps that info (as it can't be proven?) should have been left out. In any case, I don't think Doors fans would be that surprised as he is/was known for being (cliche') strange!
I loved this book. I'm a huge Jim Morrison/ Doors fan, and this book, while not providing any new information really, did a good job of giving a balanced look at Jim. Very entertaining read.
"The long-awaited biography of Jim Morrison" "Here is Jim Morrison in all his complexity-singer, philosopher, poet, delinquent-the brilliant, charismatic and obsessed disciple of darkness who rejected authority in any form, the explorer who probed 'the bounds of reality to see what would happen