Great book for summer reading. Bridget Jones crossed with James Bond. I giggled out loud in places, but was caught up enough in the storyline to read it was past my bedtime.
Fluffy and funny. Sort of a Bridget Jones does 007.

Great fun! I read it in one day and thought it was a perfect summer read. Fun, travel, intrigue...I really liked it.

The book was written around the time that the United States was looking for Osama Bin Laden, so this is a thread that ties the book together. The character is not as well developed as I would have hoped. It was difficult to see how she gained the skills necessary to complete the missions assigned to her. You definitely need to suspend belief while reading this book.

I love this book. I love it so much I've read it about 5 times. Olivia is by far my all time favorite Helen Fielding charecter. She is adorable, spunky, vivacious and silly. It is a goofy story that is predictable but it such a fun read. Seeing the world through Olivias eyes is a riot. I first "read" this book as a CD narrated by Josephine Bailey. It was the only version I'd recommend listening to.
engaging, entertaining, & funny - a perfect driving audio book

Rachel Pixley has escaped from her less than ideal past and recreated herself as Olivia Joules, journalist extraordinare. Oliva, as the title points out, does indeed have an overactive imagination, and this prompts her editor to stuff her into the Style section of the paper. It seems Olivia has come up with such unbelieveable stories that the paper is concerned she's a liability. When Olivia is sent to Miami to cover a face cream launch, she is introduced to Pierre Ferramo, a Europian playboy and alleged film director. Is it Olivia's healthy imagination, or does he resemble Osama Bin Laden a bit? Trying to write her assumptions off as post 9/11 paranoia, Olivia eventually feels compelled to follow her gut instinct. Especially when the Oceans Apart cruise ship/apartment houseboat blows up and CNN confirms that the government believes it to be a terrorist attack. Now Olivia begins to believe her own hype: Is Ferramo just a womanizing letch luring young girls under the guise of being a "director"? Or is he an Al-Quaida operative, staying in Miami under the guise of being a "director"?
Olivia's instincts take her all over the world as Ferramo whisks her away to places unknown. As you can probably guess, Olivia (much like her predecessor Bridget Jones) gets herself into many a mess due to her "overactive imagination", and the predictability of this plot took away 1 star for me. However, the novel is genuinely entertaining and timely, although never exploitational. It's also nice to see Fielding break away from Bridget's body obsession and give Olivia an "I don't care what anyone thinks about my body" attitude. Great fluff reading when you need a break from everything
Olivia's instincts take her all over the world as Ferramo whisks her away to places unknown. As you can probably guess, Olivia (much like her predecessor Bridget Jones) gets herself into many a mess due to her "overactive imagination", and the predictability of this plot took away 1 star for me. However, the novel is genuinely entertaining and timely, although never exploitational. It's also nice to see Fielding break away from Bridget's body obsession and give Olivia an "I don't care what anyone thinks about my body" attitude. Great fluff reading when you need a break from everything
Linda L. (lakelinda) reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 108 more book reviews
Fun, light read. If you enjoyed her Bridget Jones books/movies you will like this one too.
book was entertaining but not as good as Bridget Jones. It got a little trying by the end
Fun, not as good as the Bridget Jones books - but still a great vacation for the mind.
I loved this book. It's very funny, and seems as though it's going to follow the standard mad cap romance party line, but it kept surprising me and making me laugh out loud!
Elizabeth T. (ebeth) reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 81 more book reviews
Book dragged in the middle.

Bridget Jones is far better. Fielding does much better with characters with no self-esteem. When her women get confident, her books lose their charm.
Nicole M. (fuzzylolipop) reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 3 more book reviews
Great beach read! Light and flitty chic-lit with a twsit of criminal intrigue.
This was a super fun book to read. Great for the beach or a long car ride.
A little slow starting, but then I couldn't put it down. Not my fave by Helen Fielding, but worth a read.
Adorable! A guilty pleasure for sure

This unabridged version audio book is 8 CD's.approx 9 hours of entertainment.
If you enjoyed Bridget Jones' Diary, this is similar. This book works like a fast paced thriller with a female heroine, with light romance, and great wit and entertainment. Its a fun read.

I liked the Bridget Jones books by this author, but I felt this one moved a little slow.
After reading both Briget Jones books, I expected this to be funnier. It took me a few chapters to get into the story line but I liked it nonetheless.
HATED IT!!! Helen Fielding used our 9/11 pain to make money - IF she were an American, it would have been different, but I resent her using our attack as a light plot. Shame on her.
This romance/thriller/spy novel is a fast, breezy read. Despite some of the most unlikely plot twists, the action moves forward in an enjoyable manner and the reader comes to really care for Olivia. Recommended as a quick, fun novel.
Sara D. (dixielawyer) reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 94 more book reviews
I'm a huge fan of Helen Fielding and the Bridget Jones books, but this is one is great because it's got some action and mystery added to the fun and romance. Great book - read it almost in one sitting (on a transcontinental flight).
From front cover:
Move over, 007: a stunning, sexy-and decidedly female-new player has entered the world of international espionage armed with her own pocket survival kit, her Rules for Living, her infamous overactive imagination, and a very special underwire bra.
Move over, 007: a stunning, sexy-and decidedly female-new player has entered the world of international espionage armed with her own pocket survival kit, her Rules for Living, her infamous overactive imagination, and a very special underwire bra.
Ruth R. (yomamaruth) reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 366 more book reviews
Another funny heroine-and a good read-from the author of Bridget Jone's Diary
Olivia Joules, a lovable character with a James Bond alter-ego is always getting herself in trouble.
Wonderful book, lots of fun. If you are a Bridget Jones fan, you must read this book.
Seems lightweight at first, but overall a fun read. Olivia is NOT Bridget Jones.
Quick and easy read. Olivia is a lovable character in much the same way as Bridget Jones.
Antoinette B. (Bloomie) reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 14 more book reviews
Olivia Joules, similar to Bridget Jones, is always getting herself in trouble. You really find yourself wondering what far fetched scheme her imagination is going to come up with next. But is it really her imagination...or is it reality? You be the judge.
Very entertaining and easy read.
Very entertaining and easy read.
Bethany P. (badbadkitty) reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 80 more book reviews
Excellent book, very funny. Liked it as much, if not more than Bridget Jones, hoping for a sequel.
Helen Fielding 1st Mystery with a dash of romance and her usally all to human female hero. This book was very well written for a 1st time jaunt from romance chick lit to Mystery and well done. I am wanting more of Olivia Joule adventures and to date none have been done, which makes me said as this book was soo good and the people were well written and plot was great. Ms. Fielding should write more about Olivia Joules and be done with Bridget Jones.
My expectations were high due to the author's previous work (Bridget Jones Diary, for one), but this book was a disappointment to me.
not as funny as Bridget Jones Diary but gets better as the book goes along
If Bridget Jones married James Bond and they had a daughter, she would be Olivia Joules. Fabulous. Fashionable. Fearless? Well ... definitely fun.
Kandis N. (bookermom) - , reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 323 more book reviews
from back of book:
"If Bridget Jones shaped and named a certain kind of life in the 1990's, it looks as if Olivia Joules, Helen Fieldig's new heroine, may do the same for the new decade." - The Times (London)
"If Bridget Jones shaped and named a certain kind of life in the 1990's, it looks as if Olivia Joules, Helen Fieldig's new heroine, may do the same for the new decade." - The Times (London)
By the author of Bridget Jones Diary, this is another fun romp. Not as good as Bridget but worth a read.
Linda A. (Springfieldreader) reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 458 more book reviews
I read maybe the first 100 pages of this book, and could go no further. It just seemed silly.
Maria Laura P. (mariap) reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 27 more book reviews
From the author of Bridget Jones's Diary, another heroine thas fun, adventurous and a little bit like all women.
Not as good as the Bridget Jones books, but a light read that is set in very current times.
Ashley B. (IndianaTinkerbell) reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 20 more book reviews
Great book, not too long, not too short, lots of great plot twists
"Olivia Joules - fearless, dazzling, independent beauty-journalist turned master spy. Move over, 007: a stunning, sexy - and decidedly female - new player has entered the world of international espionage armed with her own pocket survival kit, her Rules for Living, her infamous overactive imagination, and a very special underwire bra."
This was a fun read!
This was a fun read!

Unabriged on 6 cassettes.
Didn't like this one near as much as her other books. I ended up skimming through it instead of finishing.

cute mystery
Leigh R. (iwannaread) reviewed Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination on + 36 more book reviews
This is night and day from Bridget Jones, but it is entertaining - sort of a "chicventure".