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Thank you all for continuing to check in here. I have done some walking and bike riding this month but not enough to say it's a habit. The weather is beautiful now so I have no excuse except to say I haven't been motivated. I need to get out of this slump. I'm still under 150 (148.1 today) so it could be better if I can just get this body moving. |
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I'm walking plenty, but my eating is just out of control! So the scale is drifting up. Must stop! I'll try again today. |
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I only gained 1.5 pounds on my vacation to Tucson! I sure ate plenty but I didn't overeat, really. Didn't snack. I'm back on Ozempic which I credit for my lack of a huge gain. |
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Nancy- you can get out the slump, I just know it! Margaret- today is a new day & great day to try again! Teri- glad you didn't have a big weight gain on vacation. Staying in control on vacation is super hard, good for you! I weighed in today...125. Would love to be 124 by 11/1, but not sure that'll happen. My eating has been pretty good & I've exercised a lot. Did the garage gym M- W, this morning went & played pickle ball. My 3 friends aren't real good because they are very new to the game so it doesn't end up being too active, I decided to take a 2 mile walk when I got home to get a little more activity in for the day. Which is good bc I'll be at my desk working from home all afternoon due to regular work stuff & a marketing webinar I need to be on...very sedentary afternoon in my future. Keep after ladies! Some is better than none! |
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Hey friends, I am home from visiting my Mom. Best guess I am up about 3#, but back to more consistent IF now, so expect to drop it quickly. On the plus side, I went to the gym twice in Wichita which allows me to maintain the 3x/week goal. Actually got my 10K steps quite a few days too, although not every day. Nancy and Margaret, keep working it and eventually things can change. The fact that you are trying diligently is a win to me. Shayla, sounds like you are enjoying pickleball. Good job on all your goals and habits. Thinking about November and what I might make my new habit. |
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My weight has been pretty consistent all month. Yo yos about 1-2 pounds back and forth. I'm not eating as much junk food or high sodium foods but I could still be doing better than I am. But all in all I can't complain. Good news. There had been some concern over my liver function so the doctor took me off one of the meds for my shoulder then after a month he had me get lab work done. The lab report came back with excellent numbers. Everything was within the approved numbers. So that's one less worry. In Feb. I'll have more lab work taken and see if it's still good. It should be. |
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Lisa-welcome home! Sounds like you did real well with your goals/habits on vacation. That's great! Vicki-yay for good numbers/health report! I have come to realize, not that this is really new to me or profound, but that intentionality & my "why" is so big when it comes to goals/habits. For instance I need to be intentional about having my meals planned out in order to eat in not out & to make sure what we do eat is healthy. I also have to be intentional in sticking to that plan. Today I was on a long marketing webinar. It didn't finish until 5:20pm. I had a plan for dinner but was really not feeling it when it came to cooking dinner. I won't lie the thought crossed my mind to just push tonight's dinner to tomorrow & grab something out for tonight. I had to have a little pep talk with myself to get motivated to make dinner. I repeated my why to myself a few times & talked myself back into sticking to the plan of cooking dinner. I'm glad I did, it feels good to have not succumb to the easy way out. Stick with it ladies small steps everyday lead to progress! Last Edited on: 10/27/22 7:47 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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Vicki, good news on the liver function improvement. So true on the intentionality Shayla. Good job to talk yourself into keeping to the plan instead of grabbing something out. :) |
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Vicki, I'm glad your lab results were good. That's always a weight off the mind. I'm impressed Shayla with your discipline and I like how you had a pep talk with yourself. I need to remind myself to do that sometimes. Welcome home Lisa. It sounds like you were able to keep up a pretty good routine while visiting your mom. Today is my 44th wedding anniversary. I don't know how that can be but it is. Dean and I went out to a nice dinner. I only ate half my dinner but I'm sure my weight will be up in the morning. Then Halloween Bunco is tomorrow night with more good food. I'll have to eat a lot less this weekend and get in some long walks and bike rides. I biked yesterday with my granddaughters and we only biked 2 miles. Last night my inner thighs cramped up and I was in so much pain. I compare it to labor pain. In fact, I was crying out just like I did when I had my babies. Our windows and doors were open and Dean was worried what the neighbors were thinking. Has this happened to any of you after bike riding? One leg is still a little sore today. I've never experienced this before. |
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I watched pickleball on TV while I was in Tucson with Dad. Looks fun and fast paced. |
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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Nancy!!!!!! Hope you and your husband have many more years together and each year better than the last. |
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Good morning. Sorry to hear about the leg cramps Nancy. Sounds very painful. I'm not a bike rider so haven't had that experience myself. Happy anniversary too. 44 years is something to celebrate. Worth the calories, as is the Halloween Bunco, and if you get right back on track whatever few pounds you gain will melt away quickly. I went to the gym at 6:30 this morning. Man that is early. Needed today to make my 3 times for the week, although I usually don't go on Friday. I think it's supposed to be rainy here today so it will be a good day to stay in and catch up on the 'house stuff.' Have a good one and 'stay focused on the end goal.'
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Happy Anniversary Nancy! Nancy-I'm not a bike rider so I haven't had those leg cramps per se, but I do know bananas & pickle juice (not necessarily together) are good for cramps, sore muscles. Also drinks with electrolytes help. I'd recommend drinking a lot of water today. Lisa-good for you on going to the gym to meet your goal. Great discipline example! |
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I went to the gym at 6:30 this morning. âVery impressive Lisa! Thank you for the anniversary wishes everyone. I did read that the cramps could have been from not hydrating enough. Occasionally I will get a cramp in my foot and eating a pickle immediately takes the cramp away. I had Dean bring me a pickle when my legs cramped up but I didn't feel any relief.
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Good morning. Wonder why pickles help with cramps. I haven't heard that before. The bananas I think I knew because of the potassium. Yesterday wasn't a good eating day for me. Cool rainy weather makes me want to just eat and it seemed like I was constantly grazing. Drank too much coffee (is that even really possible) with flavored creamer (this is the problem, not the coffee per se). I did get my steps in, but was basically very lazy all day. Maybe I can make today better. It's cloudy and looks cold, but I think it's about 60 and we are probably getting into the 70's today. I haven't looked at the forecast though. I have to figure out a way not to get derailed by the yucky weather. Still not sure about a November goal, but I'm thinking. Have a great day everyone. |
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Down to 204 today! 46 pounds lost! I put on a new pair of jeans that I have to wear a belt with so that means I'll be sewing more tucks in waists. Being back on Ozempic is responsible, no doubt at all! |
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Way to go Teri !!!! Congratulations !!!!! My weight is way up; 6 lbs. since last Sunday. Not a happy camper at all. But it's my own fault. Haven't been watching what I eat all week and it's told the tale. So it's time to get my butt in gear and do something about it. We'll see how I do by next Sunday. (241.6 !!) |
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Good morning. I read through all of the posts. All seem to have a healthy mental attitude toward your weight. Unfortunately, I weighed 117.8 this morning. I have had some major issues with my back molar on my upper left jaw, which makes it difficult to chew. I am going to have to have the tooth extracted and an implant put in. I also had a mild case of the flu this week but went to work anyway because we can't get subs. I know that is not a good thing as the flu is going around like Covid did. I know of at least one rural school district in Tennessee that closed last week. Thank you for keeping this thread going. I created the November thread. November 2022 Health and Fitness Support Last Edited on: 10/30/22 10:49 AM ET - Total times edited: 2 |
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Congrats Teri on more weight loss. Vicki- it's a new day, great day to refocus. This week will be better I just know it. Melissa- sorry to hear about your tooth & being sick. I did not weigh in today, figure I'll do it tomorrow to see where I land for the entire month. |
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Hi friends. My official weigh in this morning was .1 pound lower than two weeks ago before I went to my Mom's. I'm happy with that. Teri, you'll be below that 200# barrier in no time. Good job. Vicki, you'll drop those pounds quickly. Just chalk it up as a "lesson learned" and move on. Melissa, sorry you have been sick, and also about the needed dental procedures. Hope this next week goes better for you. Thanks for starting the new thread. See y'all over there as soon as I settle on a new habit for November. |
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Vicki, Sorry that your weight went up, but it does make me feel less alone on the journey! I made a new rule for myself to keep the sugar down and the scale turned around a little, but now I have to lose the almost 15 pounds I had gained back. oh, well, still an overall loss for the year so far. (I weighed in at 239.0 this morning, so back under 240 and hoping to go DOWN from here! |
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The day started off well. I went to church, stopped at the grocery to redeem deposits of cans, got home just in time to join the family Zoom call. But after that I had a migraine. Was supposed to eat between noon and 8 pm on my IF schedule, but napped most of that time, so actually ate between 9 pm and 1 am. Did not do any of the exercises from physical therapy. of course after all that napping I am up late. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. |
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Hope the headache is gone and you feel better today Margaret. I think I need to create a check sheet to mark when I do the habit/goal. I might create something in Excel that covers a week at a time. :) |
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And the scale is down today, too, since I barely ate yesterday. |
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