Two more opposite people had never been born. Martin Dante's "proper" upbringing had left its mark, while Cara lived in a world where taking yourself too seriously was a cardinal sin. One thing seemed perfectly clear: they should stay as far apart as possible. But they couldn't.
Martin's boasts about his athletic prowess drove Cara to distracton. Furious, she dared him to race against her in the nine-mile Tulsa Run. If she lost, it meant 24 hrs of catering to martin's every whim. But if he failed, Martin would need to develop a sense of humor--and fast!
Two more opposite people had never been born. Martin Dante's "proper" upbringing had left its mark, while Cara lived in a world where taking yourself too seriously was a cardinal sin. One thing seemed perfectly clear: they should stay as far apart as possible. But they couldn't.
Martin's boasts about his athletic prowess drove Cara to distracton. Furious, she dared him to race against her in the nine-mile Tulsa Run. If she lost, it meant 24 hrs of catering to martin's every whim. But if he failed, Martin would need to develop a sense of humor--and fast!